Page 131 - Artwork AR SR FFI (KFC) Revised_2022.V.
P. 131

                              SAN MANA
                  ANALISA & PEMBAHA
                     GEMENT’S DISCUSSION & ANAL

                                                                                           QUALITY ASSURANCE
                                                                                                   QUALITY ASSURANCE

                  Di sisi lain, bagi pemasok kemasan kontak langsung dengan   On the other hand, packaging suppliers that come into direct
                  makanan,  saat  awal  pengajuan  mereka  harus  mengirimkan   contact with  food are required to provide the necessary
                  dokumen yang diperlukan, seperti:                 documentation upon initial submission, such as:
                  •   Sertifikat GFSI (FSSC, BRC, IFS, SQF).        •   GFSI certificate (FSSC, BRC).
                  •   Sertifikat Halal (Animal Free Statement).     •   Halal certificate (Animal Free Statement).
                  •   Jika menggunakan bahan baku kertas, harus dilengkapi   •   If paper is used as a raw material, it must be accompanied
                      sertifikat FSC.                                  by an FSC certificate.
                  •   CoA bahan baku.                               •   Raw material CoA.
                  •   Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) yang menyatakan bahwa   •   Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) stating that the raw
                      bahan baku yang dipakai aman kontak terhadap makanan.  materials used are safe for food contact.

                  Selanjutnya, pemasok dijadwalkan untuk mengikuti pelatihan   Suppliers are then required to attend manual audit training,
                  manual audit, disusul dengan audit PFA. Begitu lulus audit   followed by a PFA audit. After passing the first audit, the supplier
                  pertama, di waktu selanjutnya, pemasok diaudit PFA setiap   will be audited annually for PFA. If it has passed, the supplier
                  tahun. Jika sudah lulus maka supplier juga harus melengkapi   must also complete the packaging sample to be supplied
                  sampel  kemasan  yang  akan  dipasok  disertai  dengan  hasil  uji   accompanied by the results of the packaging migration test.
                  migrasi kemasan. Pada tahun 2022, terdapat 20 pemasok   In 2022, 20 suppliers were subject to PFA and 100% have
                  dikenai PFA dan 100% berhasil lulus audit tersebut.  successfully passed the audit.

                  Pemantauan Terhadap Proses Internal               Monitoring internal processes
                  Selain melakukan evaluasi terhadap pemasok, QA juga melakukan   Apart  from  evaluating  suppliers,  QA  conducts  food  safety  and
                  pengendalian keamanan pangan dan kualitas terhadap gudang   quality checks in the warehouses through the annual Distribution
                  yaitu melalui Distribution Quality Audit dan Transportasi Quality   Quality Audit and Transport Quality Audit (DQA & TQA). As of
                  Audit (DQA & TQA) setiap setahun sekali. Selama periode 2022,   2022, all 34 warehouses that were subject to DQA have passed
                  audit gudang selesai dilakukan dan dinyatakan semuanya lulus.   the audit. Moreover, 32 warehouses are subject to TQA.
                  Terdapat 34 gudang dikenai DQA, 32 gudang dikenai TQA.

                  Khusus  comissary dikenai FSA, QSA, dan TQA. Hasil QSA baik,   The comissary is specifically subject to the FSA, QSA, and TQA.
                  sedangkan hasil FSA dan TQA Commissary belum memenuhi   The results of the QSA are satisfactory, however the FSA and TQA
                  standar yang disyaratkan. Oleh karena itu pada Januari 2023   Commissary did not meet the needed criteria. In order for the
                  dijadwalkan untuk dilakukan pelatihan udang manual audit dan   next period of commissary audit to achieve standard results, it
                  sekaligus pembahasan udangdan perbaikan yang perlu dilakukan   is planned to perform manual shrimp audit training in January
                  supaya  audit  commissary  periode  selanjutnya  mencapai  hasil   2023, while simultaneously discussing shrimp and the necessary
                  standar.                                          adjustments.
                  Tidak hanya pada pemasok dan udang, QA melakukan evaluasi   Not only for suppliers and shrimp, QA evaluates the readiness
                  kesiapan gerai sebelum beroperasi. Evaluasi NSO (New Store   of outlets before operating. This NSO (New Store Opening)
                  Opening) ini mencakup fasilitas, kondisi udang dan sekitarnya,   evaluation includes facilities, shrimp and surrounding conditions,
                  trial equipment dan bahan baku di gerai. Selain itu QA   trial equipment and raw materials at the store. In addition, QA
                  memberikan pelatihan keamanan  pangan kepada tim Operation   provides food safety training to the Operations team assigned to
                  yang ditugaskan di gerai baru dan memeriksa kelengkapan   the new store and checks the completeness of documents.

                  QA juga melakukan audit internal ke gerai KFC dan gerai Taco   QA also conducts internal audits to to KFC and Taco Bell stores to
                  Bell  untuk mendukung ROCC  dan  CORE (Restaurant Operation   support the ROCC and CORE (Restaurant Operation Compliance
                  Compliance Check dan Customer Operation Review & Evaluation)   Check and Customer Operation Review & Evaluation) carried
                  yang dilakukan oleh Auditor NSF (pihak 3 yang ditunjuk oleh Yum!   out  by  NSF  Auditors,  who  are  third-party  auditors  appointed
                  Restaurant International). Tujuan audit ini adalah mendorong   by Yum! Restaurant International.  The objective of this audit
                  tim Operation dalam hal tercapainya target yaitu menjalankan   is to encourage the operations team to comply with relevant
                  operasional sesuai standar, prosedur keamanan pangan dan   standards,  food  safety  procedures,  and  quality  requirements,
                  kualitas yang berlaku, sampai akhirnya menjadi budaya kerja   ultimately ingraining them as a work culture or a positive habit
                  atau kebiasaan baik  semua karyawan di restoran. Untuk audit   among all restaurant employees. On ROCC internal audit for
                  internal ROCC ke beberapa gerai yang berada dilokasi terpencil   stores located in the remote areas is conducted virtually.
                  dilakukan secara virtual.

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