Page 103 - Annual Report PT Fast Food Indonesia Tbk 2019
P. 103

TaTa Kelola Perusahaan  TanGGunG Jawab sosial Perusahaan  laPoran KeuanGan 2019
                        CorPoraTe GovernanCe    CorPoraTe soCial resPonsibiliTy  FinanCial sTaTeMenTs 2019

                                                                                         Layanan KFC Drive Thru
                                                                                                     KFC Drive Thru

                     Untuk memastikan pengawasan bagi pimpinan       To supervise operations leaders in DT outlets, the
                     operasional di gerai DT, Perseroan telah menerapkan   Company had implemented Summit System, which
                     Summit System yang merupakan aplikasi timer yang   was a timer application that showed the ranking of
                     dapat menampilkan ranking gerai DT berdasarkan   DT outlets based on their SoS. This system had been
                     SoS pelayanannya. Sistem ini telah diujicobakan di 4   tested in 4 DT outlets.
                     gerai DT.

                     Kinerja Tahun 2019                              Performance in 2019

                     Perseroan terus meningkatkan jumlah gerai layanan   The Company continued to add more DT outlets to
                     DT untuk meningkatkan penetrasi di pasar. Pada   enhance its market penetration. In 2019, there was
                     tahun 2019, terdapat penambahan 16 unit  sehingga   an addition of 16 DT units, making a total of 90 DT
                     layanan DT menjadi 90 gerai. Dari jumlah gerai   outlets. Of these units, 85 had used COD service
                     tersebut, sebanyak 85 unit telah menggunakan    (Confirmation Order Display) or formerly known as
                     layanan COD (Confirmation Order Display) atau yang   New Concept of Drive-Thru (NCDT).
                     dulu disebut New Concept of Drive-Thru (NCDT).

                     Total penjualan layanan DT sebesar Rp346,9 miliar,   DT Sales reached Rp346.9 billion in total, with a
                     tumbuh 25,4% dibanding tahun 2018 sebesar       growth of 25.4% compared to 2018’s figure of
                     Rp276,6 miliar. Pertumbuhan ini telah melebihi target   Rp276.6 billion. This growth exceeded the 11.2%
                     yang ditetapkan sebesar 11,2%. Total Transaksi   target. DT Transactions grew by 14.4% overall,
                     layanan DT tumbuh 14,4%, juga melampaui target   exceeding the initial target of 7.6%. The increase in
                     semula sebesar 7,6%.  Penjualan yang meningkat   sales affected DT’s portion of total sales, which grew
                     berdampak terhadap kontribusi layanan DT terhadap   by only by 0.5% compared to 2018 and accounted for
                     total penjualan Perseroan sebesar 5,0% atau hanya   5.0% of the Company’s total sales.
                     naik 0,5% dibanding periode sama tahun 2018.

                     strategi Tahun 2020                             strategies in 2020

                     Memasuki tahun 2020, Perseroan akan melanjutkan   For 2020, the Company will continue to implement
                     program Fast Friday di layanan DT agar kualitas   Fast Friday in DT outlets to maintain its quality service
                     pelayanan kepada konsumen tetap terjaga. Selain   for consumers. In addition, the implementation of
                     itu, implementasi Summit System akan diterapkan di   Summit System will continue in all DT outlets that will
                     seluruh gerai DT yang dibangun pada tahun 2020.   be built in 2020.

                     Perseroan juga akan memperbarui window collect   The Company will also renew the existing Collect
                     existing dengan menambahkan dispenser coke      window by adding a coke dispenser and an assembly
                     machine dan assembly table untuk lebih mempercepat   table to help prepare drinks faster. There will be an
                     pelayanan. Penambahan window untuk OBO          addition of a window for OBO (online booth order)
                     (online booth order) disamping window Collec serta   next to the Collect window and renovation of 35 DT
                     memperbarui 35 gerai DT dengan pelayanan face-  outlets with face-to-face service. This will be done
                     to-face menjadi DT dengan pelayanan COD secara   continuously to develop COD-oriented DT outlets.

                                                                                         PT FAST FOOD INDONESIA TBK 101
                     InovasI dan TeknologI dIgITal sebagaI Pendorong PerTumbuhan berkelanjuTan
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