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Quality Assurance Quality Assurance
Kebijakan penggunaan biaya dan pembatasan Perjalanan The policy on the use of expenses and restrictions on • 6 – 8 September 2023: FIT, QA, dan semua perwakilan • September 6-8, 2023: FIT, QA, and representatives
Dinas merupakan tantangan di tahun 2023. Beberapa Visit Official Travel was a challenge in 2023. Some out-of- dari Divisi terkait mengikuti Food Safety Management from related Divisions participated in the Food Safety
ROCC luar kota dan pekerjaan lainnya tidak dilaksanakan town ROCC Visits and other tasks were not conducted System FSSC 22000 version 6.0 Training yang Management System FSSC 22000 version 6.0
secara langsung atau onsite karena pertimbangan in person or onsite due to these considerations. Another diselenggarakan oleh System Development (SDV) Training organized by System Development (SDV) in
tersebut. Tantangan lainnya adalah staf QA yang belum challenge was the incomplete QA staff in Surabaya and berkolaborasi dengan Catalyst Consulting. collaboration with Catalyst Consulting.
lengkap di Surabaya dan Medan. Untuk mengatasi Medan. To address this issue, QA staff from other regions • 18 – 20 September 2023: Perwakilan PT Fast Food • September 18-20, 2023: Representatives from PT
masalah ini, QA di wilayah lain membantu menyelesaikan assisted in completing tasks and work in Surabaya and Indonesia Tbk (GM QAFITMS) yang sudah mengikuti Fast Food Indonesia Tbk (GM QAFITMS), who
tugas dan pekerjaan di Surabaya dan Medan secara Medan online. Thus, the target for tasks and work over the US Soybean Oil Master Program tanggal 28 Mei – had previously participated in the US Soybean Oil
online. Dengan begitu, target tugas dan pekerjaan selama year was still successfully achieved. 03 Juni 2022 berkesempatan untuk mengikuti Soy Master Program from May 28 to June 3, 2022, had
satu tahun tetap dapat diselesaikan dengan baik. Excellence Center – Intermediate Course di Royal the opportunity to attend the Soy Excellence Center
Plaza on Scott Singapore. Selama course tersebut, – Intermediate Course at Royal Plaza on Scott
peserta mendapat materi mengenai pemanfaatan Singapore. During the course, participants learned
PELATIHAN QA TAHUN 2023 2023 QA TRAINING kedelai dan turunannya. about the utilization of soybeans and their derivatives.
• 19-20 September 2023: QA menyelenggarakan • September 19-20, 2023: QA organized Mass and
Untuk memperbarui dan meningkatkan pengetahuan To update and enhance knowledge related to Food Safety Training Teknik Kalibrasi Massa dan Suhu di RSC MT Temperature Calibration Techniques Training at the
berkaitan dengan Keamanan Pangan dan Sistem and Quality Systems, QA participated in several training Haryono Office. Training 2 hari ini dihadiri oleh ± 20 RSC MT Haryono Office. This 2-day training was
Kualitas, QA mengikuti beberapa pelatihan selama tahun sessions throughout 2023, including: peserta dari QA & QC, FIT, dan SDV. attended by approximately 20 participants from QA &
2023, diantaranya: QC, FIT, and SDV.
• 7 & 9 November 2023: QA mengikuti training dan • November 7 & 9, 2023: QA participated in the
• 13-14 Februari 2023: Tim QAFITMS bekerjasama • February 13-14, 2023: The QAFITMS team, in workshop Launching ROCC 3.0 yang diselenggarakan training and workshop for the Launching of ROCC
dengan Catalyst Consulting melakukan Implementing collaboration with Catalyst Consulting, conducted oleh YUM! melalui online. ROCC 3.0 diberlakukan 3.0 organized by YUM! online. ROCC 3.0 will be
Food Safety Management System FSSC 22000 Implementing Food Safety Management System mulai 1 Januari 2024. Salah satu perubahan dari implemented starting January 1, 2024. One of the
version 5.1/6.0 Training and Workshop dengan fokus FSSC 22000 version 5.1/6.0 Training and Workshop, versi sebelumnya (ROCC 2.0) adalah pada sistem changes from the previous version (ROCC 2.0) is
pada FSSC 22000 versi 5.1/6/0. focusing on FSSC 22000 version 5.1/6.0. penilaian, dimana sebelumnya kategori Food Safety in the assessment system, where previously the
• 08 Maret 2023: Coffee Machine training bersama • March 8, 2023: Coffee Machine training with Vendor dan Brand Standard memiliki hasil akhir terpisah; Food Safety and Brand Standard categories had
Vendor La Cimballi, FSD, dan PDD yang dilakukan La Cimbali, FSD, and PDD was conducted at the sedangkan pada ROCC 3.0, hasil dari kedua kategori separate final results; in ROCC 3.0, the results of
di gudang FSD Ciracas. Training ini bertujuan untuk FSD warehouse in Ciracas. This training aimed menjadi acuan penilaian untuk hasil akhir audit both categories are taken as the reference for the
memberikan pemahaman lebih baik dan benar to provide a better and correct understanding of dengan mengambil performa yang paling rendah. final audit outcome, taking the lowest performance
tentang bagaimana mengoperasikan Mesin Kopi La how to operate the La Cimbali Coffee Machine and as the benchmark.
Cimbali dan cara kalibrasi. calibration methods. • 27 – 30 November 2023: 2 tim QA menghadiri • November 27-30, 2023: Two QA teams attended
• 11 Juni 2023: YUM! QA & FIT memberikan training • June 11, 2023: YUM! QA & FIT provided chicken Produce College di Bangkok, Thailand yang Produce College in Bangkok, Thailand, organized
evaluasi cutting sheet ayam kepada tim QA & cutting sheet evaluation training to the QA & QC diselenggarakan oleh YUM! dan dihadiri oleh masing- by YUM! and attended by representatives from KFC,
QC, FIT KFC Indonesia. Sesi ini sekaligus bentuk team, FIT KFC Indonesia. This session also served masing perwakilan dari market KFC, Pizza Hut dan Pizza Hut, and Taco Bell markets in Asia. During the
kalibrasi untuk menyamakan persepsi dalam hal as a calibration to align perceptions regarding defects Tacobell Asia. Selama College berlangsung, peserta College, participants learned about the policy of using
melihat defect (ketidaksesuaian) yang terdapat (discrepancies) in raw chicken cuts during evaluation, mendapatkan materi tentang kebijakan penggunaan vegetables, understanding that vegetables used in
pada potongan ayam mentah saat evaluasi cutting. followed by an evaluation of cooked chicken. sayuran, pemahaman bahwa sayur yang digunakan restaurants must come from traceable sources, and
Setelah itu dilakukan evaluasi ayam matang. di restoran harus berasal dari sumber yang dapat vegetable suppliers need to be educated to follow
• 13 – 14 Juni 2023: YUM menyelenggarakan Win • June 13-14, 2023: YUM organized a Win on ditelusuri, dan pemasok sayur perlu diedukasi supaya YUM! standards, namely agriculture certified by
on Taste workshop di RSC Ciracas. Workshop Taste workshop at RSC Ciracas, attended by dapat mengikuti standar YUM! yaitu pertanian yang Global GAP.
tersebut dihadiri oleh perwakilan dari QA, FIT, Area representatives from QA, FIT, Area Coach Operation bersertifikat Global GAP.
Coach Operation Jabodetabek, PDD. Win on Taste Jabodetabek, PDD. Win on Taste is a core strength.
merupakan kekuatan utama bagi Brand KFC dan Kegiatan QA di 2023 ditutup dengan kunjungan ke QA activities in 2023 ended with visiting Supplier PT
dijadikan sebuah culture. Supplier Sayur PT Indo Ever Green dan Meeting nasional Indo Ever Green and national meeting together with GM,
• 10 – 13 Juli 2023 di Vietnam: QA Manager bersama • July 10-13, 2023 in Vietnam: The QA Manager, along bersama GM, tim QA, FIT, SDV membahas perihal QA team, FIT, SDV discussing about achievement for
GM QAFITMS dan FIT Manager mengikuti QA-FIT- with the GM QAFITMS and FIT Manager, participated pencapaian selama setahun dan program tahun 2024. one year and program in 2024. Supplier visit is a routine
SCM Conference yang diselenggarakan oleh YUM!. in the QA-FIT-SCM Conference organized by YUM! Kunjungan ke Supplier merupakan aktivitas rutin yang activity held once a year and aimed to broaden insight of
Di event ini QA mempresentasikan update GFSI At this event, QA presented an update on GFSI dilakukan setahun sekali dan bertujuan untuk menambah the team on new things at the Supplier facilities, as well as
Transition KFC Indonesia. Dan YUM! memberikan Transition KFC Indonesia. YUM! recognized KFC wawasan tim mengenai hal baru yang ada di fasilitas observed directly the actual condition of the plant.
apresiasi atas semangat KFC Indonesia yang Indonesia’s commitment to GFSI Certification (Global Supplier, selain juga untuk mengamati secara langsung
bertekad untuk GFSI Certification (Global Food Food Safety Initiative) for Suppliers and DC. kondisi aktual plant.
Safety Initiative) kepada Supplier dan DC.