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 PENJAMINAN KUALITAS                                                                 PENJAMINAN KUALITAS
 Quality Assurance                                                                               Quality Assurance

 12 – 14 September 2023 QA menyelenggarakan Quality   12 – 14 September 2023 QA organized Quality Review,   Audit gudang dan gerai dilaksanakan 100%. 33 gudang   The audit of warehouses and outlets was carried out
 Review,  Awareness, and Recognition di RSC Ciracas.   Awareness, and Recognition in RSC Ciracas. All RGM &   mendapat DQA dan 31 mendapat TQA, semua gudang   100%. 33 warehouses underwent the DQA and 31
 Semua RGM &  Area Manager wilayah Jabodetabek   Area Coach in Jabodetabek area and representative of   dinyatakan lulus. Untuk commissary, diberlakukan FSA,   underwent the TQA, all of which were declared to have
 dan  perwakilan  dari  SDD,  FSD,  PROC  turut  hadir.  QA   SDD, FSD, PROC also attended it. QA presented some   QSA, dan TQA. Sedangkan untuk hasil ROCC external   passed. For the commissary, the FSA, QSA, and TQA
 menyampaikan beberapa poin penting diantaranya:  important points, including:     KFC di tahun 2023 adalah FSSC At Standard mencapai   were applied. As for the external ROCC results for KFC
 •   Performa ROCC Q2 (Mei - Agustus 2023).  •   ROCC Performance Quarter 2 (May – August 2023)  85 dan Brand Standard (BS) mencapai 93. CORE external   in 2023, the FSSC At Standard reached 85 and Brand
 •   Koordinasi perihal keluhan pelanggan & tindak lanjut.  •   Coordination regarding  customer complaints  and   Taco Bell untuk 3 periode berturut-turut meraih 100% At   Standard (BS) reached 93. External CORE for Taco Bell
    follow up.    Standard.                                         achieved 100% At Standard for three consecutive periods.
 •   Diskusi  masalah yang dihadapi  di  Operation  dan   •   Discussion of issues experienced by Operation team
 solusi nya.   and the solution.  QA  juga  menyelesaikan  ROCC  internal  untuk  KFC   QA also completed internal ROCC for KFC for 739 outlets
 •   Pemberian wawasan bagi tim Operation akan   •   Presenting insight  for Operation team on  the   sebanyak 739 gerai di Semester 1, dan 737 gerai di   in Semester 1, and 737 outlets in Semester 2; internal
 pentingnya  membangun  kesadaran  untuk  importance of building awareness to run operation   Semester 2; CORE Internal untuk Taco Bell sebanyak 7   CORE for Taco Bell for 7 outlets in Semester 1, and 8
 menjalankan operasional sesuai standar yang   according to the required standard. Do not compromise   gerai di Semester 1, dan 8 gerai di Semester 2.  outlets in Semester 2.
 berlaku. Tidak kompromi dengan apapun yang dapat   with anything which can decrease quality & food
 menurunkan kualitas & keamanan pangan.   safety.  Penerapan  Sistem  Jaminan  Halal.  Selain  Halal Assurance System Implementation. QA oversees
 •   Pengetahuan lebih detail mengenai potongan dan   •   More detailed  knowledge  about raw chicken  cutting   memperhatikan pemenuhan jaminan keamanan pangan   the implementation of the Halal Assurance System (SJH)
 defect (kondisi tidak standar) pada bahan baku ayam.   and defect (not standard condition).   dan kualitas, QA mengawasi praktik penerapan Sistem   for all food and beverage products served at KFC Indonesia
 •   Pemberian penghargaan kepada RGM &  AC atas   •   Recognition to RGM & AC for the performance of their   Jaminan Halal (SJH) pada setiap produk makanan dan   and Taco Bell. SJH is an integrated management system
 performa masing-masing restoran, penghargaan   restaurants, recognition to participants who were very   minuman yang disajikan di gerai KFC Indonesia dan Taco   designed, implemented, and maintained to regulate
 bagi peserta yang sangat aktif dan antusias selama   active and enthusiastic during the review & meeting.    Bell. SJH adalah manajemen terintegrasi yang disusun,   raw materials, production processes, products, human
 pelaksanaan review & Meeting.   diimplementasikan dan dipelihara untuk mengatur bahan   resources, and procedures to ensure the continuity of the
                  baku, proses produksi, produk, sumber daya manusia dan   halal production process in accordance with LPPOM MUI
                  prosedur dalam rangka menjaga kesinambungan proses   requirements.
                  produksi halal sesuai dengan persyaratan LPPOM MUI.

                  Pelaksanaan Sistem Jaminan Halal di lingkungan    Implementation includes halal audits for all outlets and
                  Perseroan juga dilakukan melalui audit halal kepada   halal system training for teams in outlets, warehouses,
                  semua gerai dan training Sistem Jaminan Halal kepada   and related divisions.
                  tim di gerai, gudang serta tim pada divisi terkait.


                      “Atas konsistensi penerapan Sistem Jaminan Halal, maka Perseroan mendapat penghargaan kategori Food
                      Service – Food “Best Halal System Implementation” Penerimaan penghargaan tersebut diwakili oleh tim QA
                      dan FIT pada tanggal 4 September 2023. Halal Award diselenggarakan oleh LPPOM MUI di IPB International
                      Convention Center Bogor dan dihadiri oleh semua pelaku usaha yang menjalankan Sistem Jaminan Halal di
                      fasilitas masing-masing.”

                      “Due to the consistent implementation of the Halal Assurance System, the Company received the award in
                      the Food Service - Food category for ‘Best Halal System Implementation.’ The acceptance of this award was
                      represented by the QA and FIT team on September 4, 2023. The Halal Award was organized by LPPOM MUI
                      at the IPB International Convention Center Bogor and was attended by all business operators who implement
                      the Halal Assurance System in their respective facilities.”

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