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ACCELERATING GROWTH TOWARDS RECOVERY                                                                                                                LAPORAN KEBERLANJUTAN
                                        MENGEJAR PERTUMBUHAN MENUJU PEMULIHAN                                                                                                               SUSTAINABILITY REPORT

        MENCIPTAKAN SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA BERKUALITAS                                                                                                                    MENCIPTAKAN SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA BERKUALITAS
        Creating Quality Human Resources                                                                                                                                                                 Creating Quality Human Resources

        Seluruh peraturan tersebut juga tertuang dalam kontrak kerja   All of these regulations are also contained in collective labor   Sistem Pengelolaan Kepegawaian                    Personnel Management System
        bersama yang telah dipahami, disepakati, serta ditandatangani   contracts that have been comprehended, agreed upon, and          Perseroan memiliki sistem kepegawaian dengan      The Company has a personnel system using the Human
        antara karyawan dengan manajemen Perseroan.       signed between employees and the Company’s management.                         menggunakan  Human Resource Information System    Resource Information System (HRIS), which includes
                                                                                                                                         (HRIS), yang mencakup data proses rekrutmen,      data on the recruitment process, onboarding, changes in
                                                                                                                                         onboarding, perubahan status karyawan, mutasi/promosi,   employee status, transfer/promotion, development, and
        Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)                Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)                                             pengembangan, hingga offboarding (terminasi).     offboarding (termination).
        Perusahaan menerapkan kebijakan  equal employment   The Company implements an equal employment
        opportunity (EEO) terkait rekrutmen kandidat karyawan   opportunity (EEO) policy regarding the recruitment of                    Dengan  demikian,  Perusahaan  dapat  memastikan   In this way, the Company can ensure that every employee
        disabel dan masyarakat lokal. Dengan demikian,    disabled employee candidates and local communities. By                         setiap pegawai mendapatkan program pengembangan   receives a competency development program in
        Perusahaan memberikan kesempatan yang sama,       this way, the Company provides equal opportunities for                         kompetensi  sesuai  dengan  kebutuhan  baik  di  internal   accordance with both internal and external needs of the
        baik  bagi  kandidat  disabel  maupun  masyarakat  lokal   both disabled candidates and local communities to have                maupun eksternal perusahaan. Selain itu, Perusahaan juga   Company. Apart from that, the Company also appreciates
        untuk  memiliki  karir  di  Perusahaan  selama  memenuhi   a career at the Company as long as they fulfill the work              turut mengapresiasi kinerja karyawan melalui pemberian   the employee performance by providing rewards or
        persyaratan kerja yang telah ditetapkan.          requirements that have been set.                                               reward atau recognition sesuai dengan capaian target.  recognition according to the target achievements.

        Kesepakatan Perundingan Kolektif                  Collective Bargaining Agreement                                                Penilaian Kerja Karyawan                          Employee Job Appraisal
        Perseroan mendukung secara penuh atas kebebasan   The Company strongly supports the freedom of                                   Perseroan secara berkala atau setiap tahunnya melakukan   The Company periodically or annually conducts
        berserikat dan keberadaan serikat pekerja yang dibentuk   association and the existence of labor unions formed by                evaluasi dalam mengukur kinerja para karyawannya.   evaluations in assessing the performance of employees.
        pekerja di KFC Indonesia maupun anak usaha.       the employees at KFC Indonesia and its subsidiaries.                           Penilaian kinerja dilakukan dengan menggunakan sistem   Performance assessment is carried out using the Key
                                                                                                                                         Key Performance Indicator (KPI) sebagai penilaian yang   Performance Indicator (KPI) system as an objective
        Selain itu, seluruh karyawan memiliki Perjanjian Kerja   In addition, all employees have Employment Agreements                   objektif, di mana hasilnya akan menjadi dasar Perseroan   assessment, where the results will be the basis for the
        yang mengatur hak dan kewajiban, baik dari sisi   that regulate the rights and obligations, both from the                        dalam  mengembangkan  karyawan,  termasuk  pelatihan   Company in developing employees, including employee
        perusahaan maupun sisi karyawan. Perseroan juga   company side and the employee side.  The Company                               karyawan, promosi jabatan hingga pembinaan karyawan.  training, promotions, and employee coaching.
        memiliki Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB) yang disepakati   also has a Collective Labor Agreement (CLA) agreed by
        oleh Perusahaan dan Serikat Pekerja, di mana mengatur   the Company and the Labor Union, in which it regulates                   Selama tahun 2023, Perseroan melakukan penilaian   Throughout 2023, the Company conducted a performance
        berbagai macam regulasi maupun kebijakan Perusahaan.   various regulations and Company policies.                                 kinerja terhadap 15.765 karyawan KFC Indonesia, tidak   assessment of 15,765 KFC Indonesia employees,
                                                                                                                                         termasuk pada tingkat General Manager ke atas, maupun   excluding General Manager level and above, as well
        Adapun LKS Bipartit dibentuk untuk menciptakan    The LKS Bipartit was formed to create harmonious,                              karyawan purna karya dan karyawan yang masa kerja   as full-time employees and employees with less than 6
        hubungan industrial yang harmonis, dinamis serta   dynamic and fair industrial relations in the company                          di bawah 6 bulan. Berdasarkan hasil asesmen tersebut,   months of service. Based on the assessment results,
        berkeadilan di perusahaan melalui evaluasi berbagai   through the evaluation of various issues in the Company                    terdapat 224 karyawan yang mendapatkan promosi, 1.726   there were 224 employees who received promotions,
        macam isu yang ada di Perseroan untuk diputuskan   to be settled by deliberation. Members of the Bipartite LKS                   karyawan mendapatkan mutasi/rotasi, serta 28 karyawan   1,726 employees received mutations/rotations, and 28
        secara musyawarah.  Anggota LKS Bipartit terdiri dari   consist of elements of the Company and the Labor Union.                  mendapatkan demosi.                               employees received demotions.
        elemen Perusahaan dan Serikat Pekerja.
                                                                                                                                         Selain itu, Perusahaan juga mengadakan survei     Apart from that, the Company also conducted an employee
        Kemudian, di dalam Perundingan Bersama antara     Then, in Collective Negotiations between the Company                           kepuasan pegawai yang terakhir dilakukan di tahun 2019.   satisfaction survey which was last carried out in 2019.
        Perusahaan dengan Pekerja, maka persentase suara   and  Workers, the percentage of  Workers’ votes is                            Namun ke depannya survei ini akan kembali dilakukan   Nonetheless, in the future this survey will be carried out
        Pekerja diwakili oleh Serikat Pekerja yang tercatat dalam   represented by the  Workers’ Union registered in the                 guna mendapatkan gambaran untuk perbaikan terhadap   again to get a notion of how to improve HR management
        Perusahaan dengan presentasi 50% + 1%.            Company with a presentation of 50% + 1%.                                       pengelolaan SDM di tahun-tahun berikutnya.        in the following years.

        Hingga akhir periode pelaporan, Perseroan telah   By the end of the reporting period, the Company had a
        memiliki PKB yang disusun bersama antara manajemen   collective bargaining agreement (PKB) that was jointly
        dengan serikat pekerja sebagai perwakilan pekerja   arranged  between  management  and  labor  unions  as
        untuk melindungi seluruh pekerja KFC Indonesia    workers’  representatives  to  protect  all  KFC  Indonesia’s
        maupun pekerja lain yang bekerja di wilayah operasional   employees and other employees who work in the
        Perseroan.                                        Company’s operational areas.

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