Page 238 - AR SR FFI 2023_0805_Low
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ACCELERATING GROWTH TOWARDS RECOVERY                                                                                                                LAPORAN KEBERLANJUTAN
                                        MENGEJAR PERTUMBUHAN MENUJU PEMULIHAN                                                                                                               SUSTAINABILITY REPORT

        MENCIPTAKAN SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA BERKUALITAS                                                                                                                    MENCIPTAKAN SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA BERKUALITAS
        Creating Quality Human Resources                                                                                                                                                                 Creating Quality Human Resources

        Berikut ini merupakan kebijakan rekrutmen karyawan yang   The following is the employee recruitment policy applied                KOMPOSISI KARYAWAN BERDASARKAN WILAYAH OPERASIONAL DAN JENIS KELAMIN
        diterapkan Perseroan khususnya pada masa sebelum   by the Company, specifically in the period before the                          Employee Composition Based on Operational Area and Gender
        dihapuskan PPKM di tahun 2022:                    PPKM is eliminated in 2022:                                                                                       2023                     2022                  2021
        •   Mendelegasikan  karyawan  internal  atau  rotasi  dari  gerai   •   Delegating internal employees or rotations from other         Status Kepegawaian
                                                                                                                                               Employment Status
            lain untuk New Store Opening/NSO; dan            outlets for New Store Opening/NSO; and                                                                 L/M     P/F     Total    L/M     P/F    Total   L/M     P/F    Total
        •   Melakukan wawancara daring dengan aplikasi Zoom. Tetapi   •   Conducting online interviews with the Zoom application.         Permanen                   7.210  2.842    10.052   7.554  3.028  10.582   7.987  3.223  11.210
            setelah  kembali  ke  normal,  Perseroan  masih  melakukan   However, after returning to the new normal, the Company          Permanent
            rotasi, hanya wawancara bukan daring lagi tetapi Kembali   still  conducts  rotations,  only  the  interviews  are  not  online   Kontrak PKWT           4.167   1.688    5.855  3.067   1.183   4.250   1.486   577   2.063
            ke secara fisik.                                 anymore but back to in-person.                                               Contract PKWT
                                                                                                                                          Kontrak KHL                  73       6       79     181     59     240      14      7     21
                                                                                                                                          Contract KHL
        Demografi Karyawan [C.3]                          Employee Demographic [C.3]
        Perseroan juga  memiliki  pekerja  yang  bukan  karyawan yang   There are also workers who are not employees who                  Honorer                       3       0        3      3       0       3       4      0      4
        dipekerjakan di wilayah operasional Perseroan. Sehingga pada   work at the Company’s operational areas. Therefore, in
        tahun 2023, jumlah karyawan Perseroan mencapai 15.989 orang,   2023, the number of employees of the Company reached               Total                     11.453  4.536    15.989  10.805  4.270  15.075  9.491  3.807  13.298
        yang terdiri dari 11.453 karyawan laki-laki dan 4.536 karyawan   15,989 personnel, consists of 11,453 male employees              L/M: Laki-Laki | Male – P/F: Perempuan | Female
        perempuan. Jumlah ini meningkat sebesar 21,20% dari tahun   and 4,536 female employees. This number increased by
        sebelumnya yaitu 13.140 orang.                    21.20% from the previous year of 13,140 personnel.                              KOMPOSISI KARYAWAN BERDASARKAN JABATAN DAN JENIS KELAMIN
                                                                                                                                          Employee Composition Based on Job Title and Gender
        Secara  lebih  lengkap,  tabel  berikut  menjabarkan  demografi   To get more detail, the following table displays the
        karyawan KFC Indonesia hingga 31 Desember 2023:   demographics of KFC Indonesia’s employees by                                          Level Jabatan               2023                     2022                  2021
                                                          December 31, 2023:                                                                     Position Level     L/M     P/F     Total    L/M     P/F    Total   L/M     P/F    Total
                                                                                                                                          BOC & BOD                    12       2       14      9       2      11      12      2     14
                                                                                                                                          Manager                      91      37      128     79      32      111     62     38     100
         Employee Composition Based on Operational Area and Gender                                                                        Supervisor & Restaurant    2.031    561     2.592  1.754    528    2.282   1.829   648   2.477
             Wilayah Operasional           2023                    2022                   2021                                            Operational Crew           7.773  3.555    11.328   7.641  3.331  10.972  6.258   2.743  9.001
              Operational Areas    L/M     P/F     Total    L/M     P/F    Total   L/M     P/F   Total
                                                                                                                                          Head Office & Crew         1.546    381     1.927  1.322    377    1.699   1.330   376   1.706
         Bali                        490     326      816     399    260     659     338    210    548
                                                                                                                                          Total                     11.453  4.536    15.989  10.805  4.270  15.075  9.491  3.807  13.298
         Balikpapan-Kalimantan       746     405     1.151    622    344     966     494    295    789
                                                                                                                                          L/M: Laki-Laki | Male – P/F: Perempuan | Female
         Bandung                     859     346     1.205    751    306    1.057    673    250    923
         Batam                       525     213      738     449    191     640     378    167    545                                    KOMPOSISI KARYAWAN BERDASARKAN JABATAN DAN JENIS KELAMIN
         Kantor Pusat-Jakarta       4.645   1.494    6.139  3.604   1.203   4.807  3.035   1.045  4.080                                   Employee Composition Based on Job Title and Gender
         Makassar-Ujung Pandang     1.058    527     1.585    859    449    1.308    716    389   1.105                                             Usia                    2023                     2022                  2021
         Medan                       769     286     1.055    622    260     882     570    249     819                                             Age             L/M     P/F     Total    L/M     P/F    Total   L/M     P/F    Total
         Palembang                   805     368     1.173    713    342    1.055    658    323    981                                    <20 tahun/years old         664     378     1.042    599    267     866      44     55     369
         Semarang                    803     271     1.074    661    226     887     562    204     766                                   20-24 tahun/years old      2.678   1.115    3.793  2.134    901    3.035   1.320   701   2.680
         Surabaya                    753     300     1.053    631    248     879     605    250    855                                    25-29 tahun/years old      2.292    847     3.139  2.558    977    3.535  2.596    972   3.757
         Total                     11.453  4.536    15.989  9.311  3.829   13.140  8.029  3.382   11.411                                  30-34 tahun/years old      2.293    753     3.046  2.220    700    2.920  2.248    682   2.795
         L/M: Laki-Laki | Male – P/F: Perempuan | Female                                                                                  35-39 tahun/years old      1.418    453     1.871  1.287    451    1.738   1.233   454   1.666
                                                                                                                                          40-45 tahun/years old      1.033    469     1.502    862    401    1.263   1.010   456   1.213
                                                                                                                                          >45 tahun/years old        1.075    521     1.596   1.145   573    1.718   1.040   527   1.684
                                                                                                                                          Total                     11.453  4.536    15.989  10.805  4.270  15.075  9.491  3.807  13.298
                                                                                                                                          L/M: Laki-Laki | Male – P/F: Perempuan | Female

                             PT FAST FOOD INDONESIA TBK  236  LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2023                                                                                 2023 ANNUAL REPORT  237   PT FAST FOOD INDONESIA TBK
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