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ACCELERATING GROWTH TOWARDS RECOVERY                                                                                                                LAPORAN KEBERLANJUTAN
                                        MENGEJAR PERTUMBUHAN MENUJU PEMULIHAN                                                                                                               SUSTAINABILITY REPORT

        MENCIPTAKAN SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA BERKUALITAS                                                                                                                    MENCIPTAKAN SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA BERKUALITAS
        Creating Quality Human Resources                                                                                                                                                                 Creating Quality Human Resources

         KOMPOSISI KARYAWAN BERDASARKAN PENDIDIKAN DAN JENIS KELAMIN                                                               KARYAWAN MAGANG
         Employee Composition Based on Education and Gender                                                                        Interns
                Pendidikan                  2023                       2022                      2021                                            Keterangan                      2023                  2022                  2021
                 Education          L/M      P/F     Total    L/M      P/F     Total     L/M      P/F     Total
                                                                                                                                                                            L/M        P/F        L/M        P/F        L/M        P/F
         Akademi/Universitas          659      392    1.051     671      382     1.053     711      411    1.122
         College/University                                                                                                        Pekerja Magang                               10         13         10         17          0          5
         SLTA Sederajat             10.746   4.139   14.885   10.104    3.884   13.988   8.716    3.382   12.098
         High School Equivalent                                                                                                    Berdasarkan Lokasi Magang
                                                                                                                                   Based on Interns Location
         SMP Sederajat                 34       3       37       24        3       27       46       9       55
         Junior High School Equivalent                                                                                             Kantor Pusat-Jakarta                          9         11          9         13          0          0
                                                                                                                                   Head Office-Jakarta
         SD Sederajat                  14       2       16        6        1        7       18       5       23
         Elementary School Equivalent                                                                                              Kantor Pusat-Bandung                          1          2          0          4          0          0
                                                                                                                                   Head Office-Bandun
         Total                      11.453   4.536   15.989   10.805    4.270   15.075   9.491    3.807   13.298
                                                                                                                                   Kantor Pusat-Semarang                         -          -          1          0          0          0
         L/M: Laki-Laki | Male – P/F: Perempuan | Female
                                                                                                                                   Head Office-Semarang
                                                                                                                                   Kantor Pusat-Batam                            -          -          0          0          0          0
                                                                                                                                   Head Office-Batam
         Employee Composition by Region and Employment Status                                                                      Kantor Pusat-Makassar                         -          -          0          0          0          0
                                                                                                                                   Head Office-Makassar
                                 2023                           2022                           2021
                                                                                                                                   L/M: Laki-Laki | Male – P/F: Perempuan | Female
          Wilayah           Karyawan Masuk                  Karyawan Masuk                Karyawan Masuk
         Operasional      Employee Recruitment            Employee Recruitment           Employee Recruitment
         Operational   Permanen   Kontak           Permanen      Kontak            Permanen     Kontak
            Area                 Contract                        Contract                      Contract                                  Pekerja Anak Dan Pekerja Paksa [F.19]             Child Labor and Forced Labor [F.19]
                    Permanent                Total  Permanent                Total  Permanent              Total                         Sebagai komitmen Perseroan dalam menerapkan kinerja   As the Company’s commitment in performing sustainable
                     PKWTT    PKWT  HNR  KHL        PKWTT    PKWT  HNR  KHL         PKWTT   PKWT  HNR  KHL
                                                                                                                                         operasional yang berkelanjutan sekaligus memenuhi   operational as well as complying with the prevailing laws
         Bali            461   355   0    0    816      487   224    0    1    712      518   84   0    3   605                          kepatuhan terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan   and regulations, by 31 December 2023, the Company did
         Balikpapan -    501   648   0    2   1.151     547   463    0   30   1.040     600  256   1    5   862                          yang berlaku, maka hingga 31 Desember 2023, Perseroan   not have any child labor or forced labor.
         Kalimantan                                                                                                                      tidak memiliki pekerja anak maupun tidak mempekerjakan
         Bandung         734   460   0    11  1.205     788   350    0    15  1.153     851  180   0    2  1.033                         karyawan dengan sistem kerja paksa.
         Batam           420   315   0    3    738      450   246    0    11   707      473  138   2    2   615
         Kantor Pusat-  4.074  2.023  3   39  6.139    4.359  1.454  3   142  5.958    4.470  634  0    0  5.104                         Atas komitmen tersebut, Perseroan memiliki aturan yang   For this commitment, the Company establishes rules that
         Jakarta                                                                                                                         mengatur usia karyawan yang dapat diterima serta aturan   regulate the acceptable age of employees and the rules
         Makassar        832   753   0    0   1.585     874   515    0    1   1.390     933  290   0    6  1.229                         jam kerja karyawan sesuai dengan pasal 77, Undang-  of employee working hours in accord with Article 77, Law
         - Ujung                                                                                                                         Undang No. 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan.   No. 13 of 2003 regarding Manpower.
         Medan           703   347   0    5   1.055     743   225    0    1    969      781  130   0    3   914                          Adapun  peraturan  dan  kebijakan  tersebut  menyatakan   The regulations and policies state that the minimum age
         Palembang       863   296   0    14  1.173     903   257    0        1.160     939  145   1    0  1.085                         bahwa batas minimum usia karyawan KFC Indonesia   limit for KFC Indonesia employees is 18 years old. In
         Semarang        599   472   0    3   1.074     645   320    0    8    973      693  165   0    0   858                          adalah 18 tahun. Sementara aturan jam kerja karyawan   the meantime, the rules for employee working hours are
         Surabaya        865   186   0    2   1.053     917    94    0     2  1.013     952   41   0    0   993                          terhitung dari Senin sampai Jumat, selama 8 (delapan) jam.   from Monday to Friday, for 8 (eight) hours. However, at
         TOTAL         10.052  5.855   3  79  15.989  10.713  4.148  3   211  15.075  11.210  2.063  4  21  13.298                       Sedangkan pada level karyawan maupun unit kerja tertentu,   the employee level and certain work units, the Company
                                                                                                                                         Perseroan menerapkan sistem kerja giliran (shift work) yang   applies a shift work system whose arrangements are
         PKWT: Perjanjian Kerja Waktu Tertentu atau pegawai kontrak | Certain Time Work Agreement or contract employee
         PKWTT: Perjanjian Kerja Waktu Tidak Tertentu atau pegawai tetap | Indefinite Time Work Agreement or permanent employee          pengaturannya  disesuaikan  dengan  kondisi  di  lapangan.   adjusted to the conditions in the field. Therefore, if there is
         KHL: Kebutuhan Hidup Layak | Decent Living Needs                                                                                Dengan  demikian, apabila terdapat  kelebihan waktu  kerja   an excess working time, it will be calculated as overtime
                                                                                                                                         akan diperhitungkan sebagai kerja lembur yang besaran   work whose compensation amount has been stipulated
                                                                                                                                         kompensasinya sudah ditetapkan sehingga tidak merugikan   so as not to harm employees. The Company also provides
                                                                                                                                         karyawan. Perseroan juga memberikan kesempatan bagi   opportunities for employees to rest at certain hours.
                                                                                                                                         karyawan untuk beristirahat pada jam-jam tertentu.

                             PT FAST FOOD INDONESIA TBK  238  LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2023                                                                                 2023 ANNUAL REPORT  239   PT FAST FOOD INDONESIA TBK
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