Page 39 - KFC Annual Report 2017
P. 39

                  Corporate Governance        Corporate Social Responsibility      Financial Statement

                                                                                                  LAPORAN DIREKSI
                                                                                       BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT

               table service functionality, Self Service Terminal, Daily Cash   System, food bus application, API facility for restaurant tax
               Monitoring System,  food bus application,  API facility for   to LGUs, and airport application facility.
               restaurant tax to LGUs, dan airport application facility.

               Kedepan, Perseroan juga tengah mengembangkan       Going forward, the Company will develop new application
               beberapa program aplikasi baru  untuk mendukung    programs to support its business, operations and marketing
               operasional, bisnis maupun pemasaran Perseroan. Program   activities, among others are Gojek Pos system, petty cash,
               aplikasi tersebut antara lain, Gojek sistem Pos, petty cash,   master updating and deployement, marketing promo facility,
               menu master updating and deployement, marketing promo    and so forth.
               fasility, dan sebagainya.

               TANGGUNGJAWAB SOSIAL                               CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY
               Perseroan telah melaksanakan tanggungjawab sosial   The Company has carried out corporate social responsibility
               perusahaan (CSR) sebagai upaya menjaga pertumbuhan   (CSR) as the effort to maintain sustainable business growth
               usaha  yang  berkelanjutan  dan  mendukung  program   and to foster the development program. The CSR program
               pembangunan. Kegiatan CSR  yang telah dilaksanakan   in 2017 includes the launching of #NoStrawMovement as a
               pada  tahun  2017,  antara lain  mencanangkan gerakan   commitment to reduce the usage and waste of plastic straws
               #NoStrawMovement   sebagai  komitmen  mengurangi   in conjunction with the Coral Reef Day on 8 May 2017. The
               pemakaian dan limbah sedotan plastik sekali bertepatan   Company cooperated with Divers Clean Action through the
               dengan Hari Terumbu Karang pada 8 Mei 2017. Perseroan   cleaning of the ocean and beaches action at the Thousand
               bekerja sama dengan Divers Clean Action melakukan aksi   Island and Pramuka Island.
               membersihkan laut dan pantai di Kepulauan Seribu dan di
               Pulau Pramuka.

               Perseroan  melalui  Smart  Center  Project  bekerja  sama   Through Smart Center Project, the Company cooperates
               dengan Komunitas 1000 Guru membantu sarana dan     with the 1000 Teachers Community by providing education
               prasarana  pendidikan,  memberikan  pelatihan guru,   facilities and infrastructures assistance, providing teachers
               pengentasan tuna aksara, dan  penyediaan makanan bergizi   trainings, eradication of illiterate, and providing nutritious
               untuk siswa.                                       food to students.

               APRESIASI                                          APPRECIATION
               Kami sangat senang atas dukungan para pemangku     We deeply appreciate the continuous support from our
               kepentingan yang diberikan kepada kami sejauh ini. Itu selalu   stakeholders.  Their support is our priority and we seek
               menjadi prioritas kami bahwa kami melayani pelanggan   to ensure we provide only the best services to all of our
               dengan sebaik mungkin. Tak lupa kami ingin menyampaikan   customers. We would also like to thank all of our customers
               terima kasih kepada semua pelanggan kami atas dukungan   for their support to KFC Indonesia in 2017 and we hope to
               mereka kepada KFC Indonesia selama  2017 ini, dan kami   continue serving them in 2018 and onwards.
               berharap bahwa dapat terus melayani mereka dengan lebih
               baik pada 2018 dan seterusnya.

                                            DRIVING FUTURE GROWTH | ANNUAL REPORT 2017  PT FAST FOOD INDONESIA TBK  37
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