Page 266 - KFC Annual Report 2017
P. 266

       Highlights             Management Reports      Company Profile        Management’s Discussion & Analysis

                                                                                    The original financial statements included
                                                                                        herein are in Indonesian language.
                      PT FAST FOOD INDONESIA TBK                         PT FAST FOOD INDONESIA TBK
                   Tanggal 31 Desember 2017 dan untuk                       As of December 31, 2017
                Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal Tersebut                  and for the Year then Ended
                      (Disajikan dalam Ribuan Rupiah,              (Expressed in Thousands of Indonesian Rupiah,
                         Kecuali Dinyatakan Lain)                           Unless Otherwise Stated)

              9.  ASET TETAP, NETO (Lanjutan)                   9.  FIXED ASSETS, NET (continued)

                 Rincian mutasi dari aset tetap adalah sebagai      The details of the movements of fixed assets are as
                 berikut: (lanjutan)                                follows: (continued)

                                   Saldo Awal/                               Saldo Akhir/
                                   Beginning  Penambahan/  Pengurangan/  Reklasifikasi/  Ending
                 31 Desember 2017   Balance   Additions  Disposals  Reclassification*)  Balance  December 31, 2017
                 Akumulasi penyusutan                                                       Accumulated depreciation
                 Kepemilikan langsung                                                             Direct ownership
                 Bangunan           22.321.203  1.582.429       -          -   23.903.632               Buildings
                 Mesin dan peralatan  373.003.102  55.071.664  (794.324)  (335.840)  426.944.602  Machineries and equipment
                 Kendaraan bermotor  63.595.119  11.938.981  (390.500)  2.186.591  77.330.191        Motor vehicles
                 Perabotan dan                                                                  Furniture, fixtures and
                   peralatan kantor  83.049.363  10.784.149  (156.528)  (18.669)  93.658.315     office equipment
                 Aset sewa pembiayaan                                                      Assets under finance leases
                 Kendaraan bermotor  1.600.311  869.240         -   (2.186.591)  282.960             Motor vehicles
                 Total akumulasi                                                                 Total accumulated
                   penyusutan      543.569.098  80.246.463  (1.341.352)  (354.509)  622.119.700    depreciation
                 Nilai tercatat neto  410.374.493                             441.381.501       Net carrying amount

                 *) Termasuk reklasifikasi ke akun “Piutang Lain-lain” sebesar Rp834.673 dan Rp354.509, masing-masing untuk biaya perolehan dan akumulasi penyusutan/
                  Include reclassifications to “Other Receivables” account of Rp834,673 and Rp354,509, for cost and accumulated depreciation, respectively.
                                   Saldo Awal/                               Saldo Akhir/
                                   Beginning  Penambahan/  Pengurangan/  Reklasifikasi/  Ending
                 31 Desember 2016   Balance   Additions  Disposals  Reclassification*)  Balance  December 31, 2016
                 Biaya perolehan                                                                           Cost
                 Kepemilikan langsung                                                             Direct ownership
                 Tanah              44.105.921  18.886.050      -          -   62.991.971                  Land
                 Bangunan           31.052.577       -          -          -   31.052.577               Buildings
                 Mesin dan peralatan  591.627.344  68.058.517  (2.853.900)  (426.833)  656.405.128  Machineries and equipment
                 Kendaraan bermotor  67.282.962  12.295.344  (1.078.026)  15.152.569  93.652.849     Motor vehicles
                 Perabotan dan                                                                  Furniture, fixtures and
                   peralatan kantor  93.796.615  10.342.853  (318.752)  (77.440)  103.743.276    office equipment
                 Aset sewa pembiayaan                                                      Assets under finance leases
                 Kendaraan bermotor  21.058.006  485.600        -   (15.445.816)  6.097.790          Motor vehicles
                 Total biaya perolehan  848.923.425  110.068.364  (4.250.678)  (797.520)  953.943.591  Total cost

                 Akumulasi penyusutan                                                       Accumulated depreciation
                 Kepemilikan langsung                                                             Direct ownership
                 Bangunan           21.220.256  1.100.947       -          -   22.321.203               Buildings
                 Mesin dan peralatan  323.448.971  52.002.212  (2.130.128)  (317.953)  373.003.102  Machineries and equipment
                 Kendaraan bermotor  51.022.533  7.826.429  (1.078.026)  5.824.183  63.595.119       Motor vehicles
                 Perabotan dan                                                                  Furniture, fixtures and
                   peralatan kantor  71.169.356  12.194.368  (272.845)  (41.516)  83.049.363     office equipment
                 Aset sewa pembiayaan                                                      Assets under finance leases
                 Kendaraan bermotor  4.530.199  3.172.989       -   (6.102.877)  1.600.311           Motor vehicles
                 Total akumulasi                                                                 Total accumulated
                   penyusutan      471.391.315  76.296.945  (3.480.999)  (638.163)  543.569.098    depreciation
                 Nilai tercatat neto  377.532.110                             410.374.493       Net carrying amount

                 *) Termasuk reklasifikasi ke akun “Piutang Lain-lain” sebesar Rp797.520 dan Rp638.163, masing-masing untuk biaya perolehan dan akumulasi penyusutan/
                  Include reclassifications to “Other Receivables” account of Rp797,520 and Rp638,163, for cost and accumulated depreciation, respectively.

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