Page 195 - KFC Annual Report 2017
P. 195

                  Corporate Governance
                  Corporate Governance        Corporate Social Responsibility      Financial Statement

                                                                                          TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN
                                                                                           CORPORATE GOVERNANCE

               Dewan   Komisaris  dalam  melaksanakan  tugasnya   Board of Commissioners in performing its duties including
               termasuk didalamnya meninjau laporan keuangan sebelum   to review the financial statement prior to submission to the
               disampaikan kepada pihak berwenang dan diumumkan   authorities as well as announcement to public.
               kepada masyarakat.

               Komite Audit melaksanakan rapat komite secara periodik   The  Audit Committee convened periodic meeting in
               di setiap kwartal tahun berjalan. Semua notulen rapat yang   quarterly basis of respective year.  All minutes of meeting
               disusun dalam rapat-rapat Komite Audit dilaporkan kepada   in the Audit Committee meetings is reported to the Board
               Dewan Komisaris, lengkap dengan pendapat dan saran   of Commissioners completed with all opinions and input to
               untuk hal-hal yang memerlukan perhatian Dewan Komisaris.     matters required attention from the Board of Commissioners.
               Komite  Audit juga terlibat dalam peninjauan laporan dan   The   Audit Committee is also involved in reviewing and
               menghadiri rapat penutupan dengan auditor eksternal.  attending the closing meeting with external auditor.

               Pada tahun 2017 seluruh rapat Komite Audit dihadiri oleh   In 2017 all  Audit Committee Meetings is attended by all
               seluruh anggota Komite.                            members of Audit Committee.

               Perseroan belum memiliki Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi.   The Company has not established the Nomination and
               Sesuai dengan Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan No 34/  Remuneration Committee.  In accordance with the Financial
               POJK.04/2014, fungsi Nominasi dan Remunerasi Dewan   Services  Authority Regulation No. 34 / POJK.04 / 2014,
               Komisaris dan Direksi berada pada Dewan Komisaris   the Nomination and Remuneration function of the Board of
               Perseroan.                                         Commissioners and the Board of Directors are held by the
                                                                  Board of Commissioners of the Company

               SEKRETARIS PERUSAHAAN                              CORPORATE SECRETARY
               Sekretaris  Perusahaan  merupakan  fungsi  yang    The  Corporate  Secretary  is  a  function  that  connects
               menghubungkan antara  Perseroan  dengan  pemangku   between the Company with stakeholders, shareholders
               pemegang saham dan pemangku kepentingan termasuk   including authorities releated with capital market.
               otoritas dibidang pasar modal.

               Saat  ini  Sekretaris  Perusahaan  Perseroan  dijabat   Currently the position of Corporate Secretary is held by
               oleh  Justinus Dalimin  Juwono  yang ditunjuk melalui   Justinus Dalimin Juwono which was appointed by Decree of
               Surat Keputusan Penegasan Pembentukan Sekretaris   Confirmation on the Establishment of Corporate Secretary
               Perusahaan No. 024/SKCS/FAST/V/16.                 No. 024/SKCS/FAST/V/16.

               Profil Sekretaris Perusahaan                       Profile of Corporate Secretary
               Justinus Dalimin  Juwono,  Warga Negara Indonesia,   Justinus Dalimin  Juwono, Indonesian citizen, serves as
               menjabat sebagai Sekretaris Perusahaan berdasarkan   the Company’s Corporate Secretary in accordance with
               Surat Keputusan Penegasan Pembentukan Sekretaris   the Decree of Affirmation To The Formation of Corporate
               Perusahaan No. 024/SKCS/FAST/V/16. Meraih gelar    Secretary No. 024/SKCS/FAST/V/16.  A graduate of
               Sarjana Ekonomi dari Universitas Krisnadwipayana di   Economics Faculty Universitas Krisnadwipayana in Jakarta.
               Jakarta. Saat ini menjabat pula sebagai Direktur Perseroan.   Presently also serves as Director of the Company. Previously
               Sebelumnya menjabat sebagai  Asisten Direktur di Gelael   served as Assistant Director in the Gelael Group.

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