Page 165 - KFC Annual Report 2017
P. 165

                  Corporate Governance        Corporate Social Responsibility      Financial Statement

                                                                                               TINJAUAN KEUANGAN
                                                                                                 FINANCIAL REVIEW

               PERUBAHAN PERATURAN                                REGULATORY CHANGES
               Perseroan  yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa dan sangat   The Company is engaged in service field and very much
               bergantung dengan banyak orang untuk mengoperasikan   depending on the adequacy of human resources to operate
               store terdampak atas perubahan regulasi UMP setiap   the store that may be impacted annually by the Provincial
               tahunnya.  Dampaknya  adalah  kepada  operasional  Minimum  Wages regulation changes.  This impacted
               Perseroan adalah adanya kenaikan biaya Human Resources   Company’s operations by the increase in Human Resources
               (HR). Kenaikan tersebut tidak bisa diimbangi dengan   costs. The increase shall be balanced by the increase of price
               kenaikan harga karena penentuan harga sudah terbatas   as the price determination has been limited by considering
               dengan mempertimbangkan persaingan pasar.          market competitiveness.

               AKUNTANSI                                          APPLICATION
               Perseroan telah menerapkan seluruh standar akuntansi   The Company has adopted all the revised standards that are
               yang direvisi efektif tanggal 1 Januari 2017, termasuk standar   effective on 1 January 2017, including the following revised
               akuntansi yang dipertimbangkan relevan bagi Perseroan.   standard that was considered relevant to the Company.

               Revisi terhadap PSAK 1 memperkenalkan antara lain definisi   Revisions to PSAK 1 introduce among others the materiality
               materialitas,  pos  spesifik  dalam  laporan  laba  rugi,  dan   definition, the specific line items in the statement of profit
               penghasilan komprehensif lain dan laporan posisi keuangan   or loss and other comprehensive income and the statement
               dapat dipisahkan, dan entitas diberikan fleksibilitas terkait   of financial position may be disaggregated, and that entities
               urutan sistematis catatan atas laporan keuangan. Revisi   have flexibility as to the order in which they present the
               tersebut hanya mempengaruhi penyajian namun tidak   notes to financial statements.  The revision affect the
               mempengaruhi posisi maupun kinerja keuangan Perseroan.  presentation only and have no impact on the financial
                                                                  position or performance of the Company.

               Dengan berdasarkan pencapaian kinerja yang termuat dalam   By  considering  the  performance  achievements  as stated
               Laporan Keuangan Tahun 2017 dan kondisi makro ekonomi   in the 2017 Financial Statements and stable macro-
               yang stabil, Perseroan meyakini usaha yang dikelola akan   economics conditions, the Company affirms that its
               tumbuh berkelanjutan. Hal ini didukung dengan  brand value    business management will grow sustainably. This is fostered
               Perseroan yang sangat kuat  dan didukung dengan jaringan   by the Company’s strong brand value and supported by vast
               outlet yang luas serta infrastruktur teknologi informasi yang   outlets network as well as adequate information technology
               memadai. Peluang bisnis di masa mendatang juga terbuka   infrastructure. Business opportunities in the future are also
               luas seiring dengan meningkatnya pendapatan masyarakat   vastly opened align with the increasing income of the society
               dan  tren perilaku  konsumen  yang menginginkan  layanan   and consumer’s behaviour trend that requiring modern
               restoran  yang modern dan higienis.  Tantangan terbesar   restaurant services and hygien. The biggest challenge are
               adalah persaingan  yang semakin ketat seiring dengan   increasingly stringent competition by the establishment of
               kemunculan kompetitor baru di industri.            new competitors in the industry.

                                            DRIVING FUTURE GROWTH | ANNUAL REPORT 2017  PT FAST FOOD INDONESIA TBK  163
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