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ACCELERATING GROWTH TOWARDS RECOVERY                                                                                                                LAPORAN KEBERLANJUTAN
                                        MENGEJAR PERTUMBUHAN MENUJU PEMULIHAN                                                                                                               SUSTAINABILITY REPORT

        PRODUK BERKUALITAS DAN KEPUASAN PELANGGAN                                                                                                                        PRODUK BERKUALITAS DAN KEPUASAN PELANGGAN
        Quality Products and Customer Satisfaction                                                                                                                                                Quality Products and Customer Satisfaction

        3.  Dampak Produk/Jasa [F.28]                     3.  Product/Service Impact [F.28]                                              6.  Pengaduan Masuk                               6.  Complaint Receipts
            Sepanjang tahun 2023, Perseroan tidak menemukan   Throughout 2023, the Company did not encounter any                         Perseroan menerima pengaduan sebanyak 1.949 laporan   The Company received complaints in total of 1,949
            adanya insiden ketidakpatuhan mengenai informasi   incidents of non-compliance regarding information                         hingga 31 Desember 2023, atau mengalami kenaikan dari   reports  up  to  December  31,  2023,  or  an  increase
            serta pelabelan produk dan layanan maupun komunikasi   and labeling of products and services or marketing                    tahun 2022 yaitu sebanyak 1.629 laporan. Kendati demikian,   from 2022 with 1,629 reports. Nevertheless, the
            pemasaran. Melalui komunikasi  pemasaran  yang   communications. By means of integrated marketing                            Perseroan telah menyelesaikan seluruh pengaduan yang   Company has resolved all incoming complaints, as
            terintegrasi, Perseroan telah memberikan informasi   communications, the Company has provided clear                          masuk, seperti yang tertera pada tabel berikut:      stated in the following table:
            dengan jelas terkait  seluruh produk  KFC  Indonesia   information regarding all KFC Indonesia products
            yang ditawarkan.                                 offered.
                                                                                                                                                                                     2023                 2022               2021
                                                                                                                                                     Status Laporan
        4.  Produk Yang Ditarik Kembali [F.29]            4.  Recalled Product [F.29]                                                                 Report Status           Jumlah                Jumlah             Jumlah
            Hingga akhir 2023, Perseroan tidak menemukan     By the end of 2023, the Company did not encounter                                                                  Total      %         Total      %       Total      %
            adanya penarikan produk yang dilakukan oleh      any product recalls by customers or regulators.
            pelanggan ataupun regulator terkait.                                                                                          Selesai                                 1.949     100%       1.629    100%      2.833    100%
        5.  Penanganan Keluhan Pelanggan                  5.  Customer Complaint Handling                                                 Dalam Proses                               0         0          0        0         0        0
            Adapun penanganan keluhan pelanggan ditampung    Customer complaints are handled via Customer                                 In Process
            melalui Customer Relation di nomor telepon 14022,   Relations at telephone number 14022, or email                             Tidak Selesai                              0         0          0        0         0        0
            atau email [email protected], serta akun Media   [email protected], as well as KFC Indonesia                          Unresolved
            Sosial KFC Indonesia dan GES.                    and GES Social Media accounts.                                               Total                                   1.949     100%       1.629    100%      2.833    100%

            Prosedur pada penanganan keluhan pelanggan       The procedure for handling customer complaints is
            yaitu Customer Relation KFC akan menghubungi     from the KFC Customer Relations that will contact                           Pengaduan tersebut didominasi oleh topik akurasi,   The complaints were dominated by the topics of accuracy,
            pelanggan yang telah mengirimkan  complaint      the customers who have sent complaints on the day                           pelayanan, serta sajian seperti yang dijabarkan pada   service, and presentation as illustrated in the following
            (keluhan) pada hari diterimanya keluhan tersebut.   the complaint is received. This ensures whether the                      tabel berikut:                                    table:
            Hal ini memastikan benar atau tidaknya  complaint   complaint sent is correct or otherwise. If the customer
            dikirimkan. Jika customer tidak bisa dihubungi   cannot  be  contacted  within  a  maximum  of  2  days,                                                      Selesai            Dalam Proses       Tidak Selesai
            dalam  waktu  maksimal  2  hari,  maka  keluhan   then the complaint is considered resolved or there is                              Topik Aduan              Resolved            In Process         Unresolved      Jumlah
            dianggap selesai atau keluhan tidak ada, sekaligus   no complaint, while providing an answer or apology.                           Topic of Complaint    Jumlah               Jumlah              Jumlah              Total
            memberikan jawab atau permintaan maaf.                                                                                                                    Total       %        Total      %        Total     %

            Customer Relation KFC juga membuat Form          KFC  Customer  Relations  also  created  a  Customer                         Cleanliness                      8       0,4%         0         0         0        0        8
            Penanganan Keluhan Pelanggan (FPKP) segera       Complaint Handling Form (FPKP) immediately to be                             Hospitality                    190       9,7%         0         0         0        0      190
            untuk didistribusikan ke divisi atau unit terkait, antara   distributed to related divisions or units, including Ops/         Accuracy                      1.289     66,1%         0         0         0        0     1.289
            lain Ops/ROM dan AM untuk segera ditindak lanjuti   ROM and AM for immediate follow-up by identifying                         Maintenance                      1       0,1%         0         0         0        0        1
            dengan melakukan identifikasi serta penyelesaian   and resolving problems.
            masalah.                                                                                                                      Speedily                        36       1,8%         0         0         0        0       36
                                                                                                                                          Unresolved                      174      8,9%         0         0         0        0       174
            Complaint Level  ditentukan berdasarkan efek dari   Complaint Level is determined based on the effect of                      Side Menu                      146       7,5%         0         0         0        0      146
            keluhan itu sendiri, meliputi:                   the complaint itself, including:
            •   Level 01: Reguler (complaint selain produk   •   Level 01: Regular (complaint other than the product                      Beverages                       17       0,9%         0         0         0        0       17
               dan dapat diselesaikan oleh MOD tidak perlu       and can be resolved by MOD does not require AM                           Food Safety                     74       3,8%         0         0         0        0       74
               eskalasi AM)                                      escalation)                                                              Ketersediaan Produk             14       0,7%         0         0         0        0       14
            •   Level 02: Serius (complaint terkait produk   •   Level 02: Serious (complaint related to product                          Product Availability
               sehingga memerlukan eskalasi AM)                  requiring AM escalation)
                                                                                                                                          Total                         1.949      100%         0         0         0        0     1.949

                             PT FAST FOOD INDONESIA TBK  266  LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2023                                                                                 2023 ANNUAL REPORT  267   PT FAST FOOD INDONESIA TBK
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