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ACCELERATING GROWTH TOWARDS RECOVERY                                                                                                                LAPORAN KEBERLANJUTAN
                                        MENGEJAR PERTUMBUHAN MENUJU PEMULIHAN                                                                                                               SUSTAINABILITY REPORT

        KINERJA EKONOMI                                                                                                                                                                                           KINERJA EKONOMI
        Economic Performance                                                                                                                                                                                        Economic Performance

        REALISASI ANGGARAN                                                                                                         Jenis                         Tujuan                                2023          Realisasi  Realisasi
        Budget Realization                                                                                                        Kegiatan  Deskripsi Kegiatan  Pembangunan      Capaian                              Actual     Actual
                                                                                                                                  Types of   Event Description  Berkelanjutan    Outreach      Anggaran   Realisasi    2022      2021
                                        Tujuan                                2023                                                Activities                                                   Budget (Rp)  Actual (Rp)  (Rp)    (Rp)
           Jenis                                                                             Realisasi  Realisasi                                           Development Goals
          Kegiatan  Deskripsi Kegiatan  Pembangunan      Capaian                              Actual    Actual                   Benih Baik  Melakukan kegiatan             Di beberapa daerah di     0          0          0         0
          Types of   Event Description                   Outreach      Anggaran   Realisasi   2022       2021
          Activities                   Sustainable                    Budget (Rp)  Actual (Rp)  (Rp)     (Rp)                              perbaikan sekolah di             Indonesia
                                    Development Goals                                                                                      pedalaman Indonesia  SDGs No. 2, 3, 4
         KFC Smart  Pemberian makanan               Mencakup 15 sekolah       0          0  917.052.222  252.600.00                        Conducting school                In several areas in
         Center   nutrisi dan edukasi               di Wilayah Lampung,                                                                    repair activities in
                  di Sekolah Dasar   SDGs No. 2, 3, 4  Jambi, Sumut, Sulteng                                                               remote areas of
                  pedalaman Indonesia               & NTT
                  Providing nutritional   Sementara  Covering 15 schools                                                         Renovasi   Kegiatan perbaikan              Talagasari, Garut  415.466.667  415.466.667     0         0
                  food and education in             in the regions of                                                            Sekolah   sekolah
                  elementary schools   Temporary    Lampung, Jambi,                                                              SDN                        SDGs No. 2, 3, 4
                  in remote areas of   suspended    North Sumatra, Central                                                                 School repair
                  Indonesia                         Sulawesi, and NTT                                                                      activities
         Divers   Bersih pantai dari                Mencakup 10 propinsi      0          0          0         0
         Clean    sampah plastic,                   di wilayah Sumatera,
         Action   pemberian edukasi                 Jateng, Bali, Kaltim,
                  di masyarakat                     Sulteng, Sulbar dan                                                                  Pengaduan Masyarakat [F.24]                       Community Complaints [F.24]
                  pesisir dan membuat               Maluku                                                                               Selain sebagai pemenuhan penerapan tata kelola    In addition to fulfill the realization of good corporate
                  sampah plastic    SDGs No. 3, 4, 8,                                                                                    perusahaan yang baik, Perseroan juga menggunakan   governance, the Company also uses the Whistleblowing
                  berguna lagi      11, 13, 14      Covering 10 provinces                                                                Sistem Pelaporan atau  Whistleblowing System (WBS)   System (WBS) as a mechanism for public complaints
                                                    in the regions of                                                                    sebagai mekanisme pengaduan masyarakat terkait isu   related to social and environmental issues that occur in
                  Cleaning beaches                  Sumatra, Central Java,                                                               sosial dan lingkungan yang terjadi di wilayah operasi.   the operational area.
                  from plastic waste,   Sementara   Bali, East Kalimantan,
                  providing education in            Central Sulawesi, West
                  coastal communities,   Temporary   Sulawesi, and Maluku                                                                Hingga akhir tahun 2023, Perseroan tidak menerima   As of the end of 2023, the Company did not receive any
                  and repurposing   suspended                                                                                            adanya pengaduan atau pelaporan terkait isu lingkungan   complaints or reports related to environmental or social
                  plastic waste                                                                                                          maupun sosial yang terjadi di area operasional Perseroan.   issues that occurred in the Company’s operational areas.
         KFC      Kegiatan memberikan               -                         0          0          0         0                          Adapun informasi lainnya mengenai  Whistleblowing   As for other information regarding the Company’s
         Beberes   edukasi pentingnya
         Goes to   menjaga lingkungan  SDGs 4, 12, 13                                                                                    System Perseroan dapat dilihat pada Bab  Tata Kelola   Whistleblowing System can be seen in the Corporate
         School                                                                                                                          Perusahaan dalam Laporan ini.                     Governance Chapter in this Report.
                  Activities providing   Dihentikan
                  education on the   Sementara
                  importance of
                  environmental     Temporary
         1000 Guru  Kegiatan memberikan             Di beberapa daerah di     0          0          0         0
                  makanan pagi                      Indonesia
                  buat siswa/I di   SDGs No. 2, 3, 4
                  pedalaman Indonesia
                  serta membangun
                  beberapa fasilitas

                  Activities providing
                  breakfast for students
                  in remote areas
                  of Indonesia and
                  building several
                  library facilities

                             PT FAST FOOD INDONESIA TBK  262  LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2023                                                                                 2023 ANNUAL REPORT  263   PT FAST FOOD INDONESIA TBK
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