Page 26 - KFC Annual Report 2018
P. 26

LAPORAN MANAJEMEN                                                                                                                                                                                        LAPORAN TAHUNAN
                   Management Reports                                                                                                                                                                                          ANNUAL REPORT


        Report from the Board of Directors

                                                          Kinerja bisnis dan finansial yang
                                                          solid kami raih berkat ketepatan
                                                          strategi usaha dan perhatian

                                                          kami pada pemenuhan kepuasan
                                                          pelanggan. Inovasi dan ekspansi

                                                          pasar terus kami lakukan untuk
             RICARDO                                      mendorong pertumbuhan

                    GELAEL                                Our solid business and financial performance

                                                          was achieved on the back of our effective
                                                          business strategies and our focus on fulfilling the

                                         Direktur Utama   customers’ satisfaction. We also continued to
                                                          innovate and expand to drive continuous growth.
                                       President Director


        Sepanjang  tahun  2018,  Perseroan  mampu  mencatatkan  kinerja   In 2018, the Company successfully achieved solid business and
        bisnis dan finansial yang solid. Pencapaian ini mencerminkan   financial performance. This was a reflection of the Company’s
        keberhasilan strategi pengelolaan dan pengembangan usaha kami   effective  business management  and  development strategies.
        yang tepat guna. Inovasi, penetrasi strategis pasar, dan semangat   Innovation, strategic market penetration, and the spirit of
        operational excellence merupakan tiga hal utama yang mendasari   operational excellence formed the foundation of our operational
        strategi operasional kami. Secara eksternal, kondisi perekonomian   strategies. Externally, the stable national economic condition
        nasional yang stabil turut menyumbang pada kelancaran   contributed to the efficient execution of our business actions and
        pelaksanaan strategi usaha dan tingkat konsumsi masyarakat.   the people’s consumption level.
        KONDISI PEREKONOMIAN 2018                         ECONOMIC CONDITION IN 2018
        Secara global, laju pertumbuhan perekonomian dunia cukup   Globally, the world’s economy grew fairly strong at around 3%
        kuat pada kisaran 3%. Namun demikian, berbagai kebijakan di   in 2018. However, various national-level policies gave hints as to
        tingkat nasional memberikan indikasi risiko yang perlu dicermati   the risks that business players would want to avert, especially the
        oleh dunia usaha, terutama kebijakan negara-negara maju dan   policies of developed and influential countries. One of the most
        berpengaruh. Salah satu perkembangan yang paling menonjol   prominent macroeconomic dynamics at the global level was the
        pada tataran makroekonomi global adalah kecenderungan   trade protectionism tendency and the competition between the
        proteksi perdagangan dan persaingan antara Amerika Serikat dan   United States and China. Indonesia’s export was in fact affected by
        Republik Rakyat Tiongkok. Ekspor Indonnesia sendiri terdampak   the relationship of the two countries.
        oleh dinamika hubungan kedua negara.

        24       CONTINUE DRIVING FUTURE GROWTH                                                                                                                                                          CONTINUE DRIVING FUTURE GROWTH  25
                                                                                                                                                                                                              PT FAST FOOD INDONESIA TBK
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