Page 30 - KFC Annual Report 2018
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LAPORAN MANAJEMEN                                                                                                                                                                                        LAPORAN TAHUNAN
                   Management Reports                                                                                                                                                                                          ANNUAL REPORT

        Laporan Direksi
        Report from the Board of Directors

        Saat ini, Perseroan telah melaksanakan inisiatif strategis seperti   Today, the Company has carried out strategic initiatives such as
        pengembangan program aplikasi daring menggunakan Local   the development of online application programs using Local
        Area Network (LAN) yang mencakup table service functionality,   Area Network (LAN), covering  the  apps such  as  table service
        Self Service Terminal, Daily Cash Monitoring System, food bus   functionality, Self Service Terminal, Daily Cash Monitoring System,
        application, API facility for restaurant tax to LGUs, dan airport   food bus application, API facility for restaurant tax to LGUs, and
        application facility.                             airport application facility.

        Pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan berlangsung   Corporate social responsibility programs are continuously
        konsisten dari tahun ke tahun. Secara garis besar, kami ingin   implemented from year to year. Broadly, we aim to meaningfully
        berkontribusi  secara  bermakna  terhadap  penghapusan  contribute to poverty eradication and advancement of the
        kemiskinan dan peningkatan kualitas kesejahteraan masyarakat.   communities’ life quality. Our programs include a movement that
        Program yang kami jalankan antara lain adalah gerakan tanpa   encourages consumers to move away from plastic straws, which
        sedotan plastik yang mencapai skala nasional pada tahun 2018.   reached nation-wide scale in 2018. We also executed education
        Kami juga menjalankan program pendidikan dan penyediaan   and clean water contribution program as two basic services that
        air bersih sebagai layanan dasar utama yang harus didapatkan   everyone should receive. In designing our social programs, PT FFI
        setiap warga. Dalam merancang program sosialnya, FPT FI selalu   always considers a program’s relevance with its business activities
        memperhatikan  relevansi program  dengan  kegiatan  usaha  dan   and the principles of accountability, transparency, and respect to
        memperhatikan prinsip-prinsip akuntabilitas, transparansi, dan   human rights.
        penghormatan pada hak asas manusia.

        Menutup laporan ini,  saya atas nama Direksi, mengucapkan   In conclusion, on behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like
        terima kasih yang tulus kepada pemegang saham, karyawan,   to express our sincere thanks to our shareholders, employees,
        pelanggan, dan mitra usaha kami. Dukungan, kerja keras, dan   customers, and business partners. Their tremendous support,
        kesetiaan  semua  pihak  inilah  yang  telah  memungkinkan  kami   hard work, and loyalty have allowed us to continuously thrive. We
        terus bertumbuh secara berkesinambungan. Kami yakin, bersama   are confident that with them the Company will achieve new and
        mereka, Perseroan akan menghasilkan pencapaian-pencapaian   positive milestones in the future.
        membanggakan baru ke depan.

                                                Jakarta, April 2019
                                                 Atas nama Direksi
                                          On behalf of the Board of Directors,

                                                RICARDO GELAEL
                                                  Direktur Utama
                                                 President Director

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