Page 132 - KFC Annual Report 2018
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ANALISA & PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMEN                                                                                                                                                                    LAPORAN TAHUNAN
                          Management’s Discussion & Analysis                                                                                                                                                                   ANNUAL REPORT

        Sumber Daya Manusia
        Human Resources

        Perseroan juga telah menerapkan Sistem Pengelolaan Kinerja   The Company has also established a Performance Management
        (Performance Management System/PMS) agar tujuan pada   System (PMS) to ensure the alignment of corporate and individual
        tataran organisasi sejalan dengan tujuan pada tataran individu.   goals. This system uses the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
        Sistem ini menggunakan Indikator Kinerja Utama (IKU) untuk   for business performance assessment and behavior evaluation
        menilai kinerja terkait kegiatan usaha dan  Performance   will be examined using Performance Appraisal (PA). Having both
        Appraisal (PA) untuk menilai perilaku. Dengan demikian, kinerja   aspects in the system ensures that the Company can carry out
        karyawan ditinjau secara keseluruhan dan akurat. PMS sendiri   comprehensive and accurate employee assessment. As a tool,
        dapat mendukung program pengembangan karier karyawan.  PMS can also support employees’ career path progression.

        Selain itu, Perseroan di tahun 2018 melanjutkan fokus   Additionally, in 2018 the Company continued building integrity
        membangun integritas dan pola pikir berorientasi pertumbuhan   and growth mindset among employees as well as promoting the
        serta menanamkan nilai dan budaya Perseroan.      Company’s values and culture.

        PENGELOLAAN SDM 2018                              HR MANAGEMENT IN 2018
        Tantangan utama pengelolaan SDM pada tahun 2018 terletak   The employee composition became the main challenge of HR
        pada komposisi karyawan yang terdiri dari 74% karyawan   development in 2018, where there were 74% of permanent
        tetap dan 26% karyawan kontrak, sehingga pengelolaan harus   employees and 26% of contract employees. The Company had to
        berjalan seimbang dan proporsional. Untuk mempertahankan   ensure that it managed all employees fairly and proportionately.
        dan meningkatkan produktivitas, Divisi HRGA melaksanakan   To maintain and boost productivity, the HRGA Division
        program berikut:                                  implemented the following programs:

           -  System Development & Manning Level Monitoring    -  Development & Manning Level Monitoring System
            Sejak Januari 2018, Perseroan mengembangkan sistem   From January 2018, the Company exercised manning
            pemantauan  manning level dan produktivitas karyawan   level and employee productivity monitoring based on the
            yang menggunakan konsep  Transaction Per Labor Hour   Transaction per Labor Hour (TPLH) concept.

            Selain untuk mengukur produktivitas, TPLH juga dapat   TPLH does not only measure productivity but can also be
            digunakan sebagai dasar pengajuan kru restoran. Dengan   used to justify a store’s hiring request. By implementing
            sistem pemantauan ini, diharapkan tingkat produktivitas   this system, the Company expects to see an increase in
            dan profitabilitas gerai akan meningkat.          productivity and profitability of its stores.

           -  Crew Scheduling Guideline                     -  Crew Scheduling Guideline
            Panduan  ini  membantu  menentukan  sliding  pekerjaan,   This guideline assists the Company in deciding job sliding,
            pekerjaan utama karyawan bidang Operasi, dan      the core tasks of employees in Operations, and work hours
            menentukan jam mulai dan akhir bekerja sesuai volume   accurately according to transaction volume and needs of
            transaksi dan kebutuhan gerai.                    a store.
        REKRUTMEN                                         RECRUITMENT
        Sepanjang tahun 2018, pemenuhan kebutuhan SDM berjalan   With productivity level applied  as an indicator  and linked to
        lebih objektif dan terukur dengan adanya indikator tingkat   operational transactions, HR recruitment throughout 2018 was
        produktivitas yang dikaitkan dengan transaksi operasional.   overall more objective and measurable. Although indirectly,
        Secara tidak langsung, hal ini memotivasi line manager untuk   the new system can motivate line managers to boost their
        terus meningkatkan jumlah transaksi sebagai salah satu   transaction volumes, as a store’s performance is now used as
        pertimbangan pengadaan karyawan. Strategi ini menghasilkan   one of the hiring considerations. As the results of this strategy,
        penempatan  karyawan  yang  sesuai  dengan  volume  transaksi,   employees are now assigned accordingly to transaction volume,
        kebutuhan rotasi dan mutasi, dan kapasitas finansial Perseroan.  rotation  and  mutation  needs,  and  are  more  aligned  with  the
                                                          Company’s financial capacity.

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