Page 116 - KFC Annual Report 2018
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ANALISA & PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMEN                                                                                                                                                                    LAPORAN TAHUNAN
                          Management’s Discussion & Analysis                                                                                                                                                                   ANNUAL REPORT

        Tinjauan Keuangan
        Financial Review

        ASET                                              ASSETS
        Total aset Perseroan pada tahun 2018 mencapai Rp2,99   The Company’s total assets in 2018 reached Rp2.99 trillion, grew
        triliun, tumbuh 8,74% dari tahun 2017 sebesar Rp2,75 triliun.   8.74% from Rp2.75 trillion in 2017. The growth of total assets
        Pertumbuhan total aset ditopang dari kenaikan aset lancar dan   was derived by the increase in current assets and non-current
        aset tidak lancar masing –masing sebesar 8,34% dan 9,07%.   assets respectively by 8.34% and 9.07%.

        ASET LANCAR                                       CURRENT ASSETS
        Aset lancar Perseroan per 31 Desember 2018 sebesar Rp1,36   The Company’s current assets  as of December 31, 2018
        triliun, tumbuh 8,34% dibandingkan dengan 31 Desember 2017   amounted to Rp1.36 trillion, grew 8.34% compared to 31
        Rp1,26  triliun.  Pertumbuhan  aset lancar terutama  ditopang   December 2017 of Rp1.26 trillion. The growth of current assets
        naiknya persediaan sebesar12,08% dan kas sebesar 24,20%.   was mainly sustained by the increase in inventories by 12.08%
        Aset lancar berkontribusi sebesar 45,53% terhadap total aset   and cash by 24.20%. Current assets contribute 45.53% of the
        Perseroan.                                        Company’s total assets.
        KAS DAN SETARA KAS                                CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS
        Jumlah kas dan setara kas meningkat sebesar 24,20% menjadi   Total cash and cash equivalents increased by 24.20% to
        Rp988,01 miliar pada tahun 2018. Peningkatan terutama karena   Rp988.01 billion in 2018. The increase was mainly due to the
        naiknya penerimaan dari pelanggan menjadi Rp6,17 triliun dari   increase of receipts from customers to Rp6.17 trillion from 2017
        tahun 2017 sebesar Rp5,46 triliun.                amounting to Rp5.46 trillion.
        PIUTANG LAIN-LAIN                                 OTHER RECEIVABLES
        Total piutang lain-lain sebesar Rp94,62 miliar pada tahun 2018,   Total other receivables amounted to Rp94.62 billion in 2018,
        turun 36,42% dibanding 2017 Rp148,82 miliar. Piutang lain-lain   decreased by 36.42% compared to 2017 of Rp148.82 billion.
        terdiri dari pihak berelasi dan pihak ketiga yang masing-masing   Other  receivables  consist  of  related  parties  and  third  parties
        turun sebesar 35,05% dan 38,24%.  Piutang lain-lain pihak ketiga   which decreased by 35.05% and 38.24% respectively. Other
        terutama berupa tagihan kepada pengelola food court atas hasil   receivables mainly represent receivables from food court
        penjualan makanan dan minuman, dan insentif dari pemasok.   management for the sales of foods and beverages and incentives
        Sementara piutang lain-lain pihak berelasi akan dijelaskan pada   from suppliers. While other receivables due from related parties
        bagian transaksi pihak berelasi dalam Laporan Tahunan ini.   will be explained in the related party transaction section in this
                                                          Annual Report.
        PERSEDIAAN                                        INVENTORIES
        Pada tahun 2018, jumlah Persediaan sebesar Rp222,41 miliar,   In 2018, total inventories amounted to Rp 222.41 billion, grew
        tumbuh 12,08% dari tahun 2017 Rp198,44 miliar. Peningkatan   by 12.08% from 2017 at Rp198.44 billion. The increase in
        persediaan terutama ditopang dari naiknya persediaan bahan   inventories is mainly supported by the increase in raw materials
        baku.                                             inventories.
        BIAYA DIBAYAR DIMUKA                              PREPAID EXPENSES
        Biaya beban dibayar di muka terdiri dari biaya sewa, biaya jasa   Prepaid expenses consist of rent, service and billboard
        dan iklan pada reklame, dan biaya lainnya.  Biaya dibayar muka   advertisement, and other expenses. Prepaid expenses in 2018
        pada tahun 2018 sebesar Rp23,43 miliar, naik 6,66% dari tahun   amounted to Rp23.43 billion, up 6.66% from 2017 of Rp21.97
        2017 Rp21,97 miliar.                              billion.

        ASET LANCAR LAINNYA                               OTHER CURRENT ASSETS
        Aset lancar lainnya terdiri dari deposito berjangka di atas 3 bulan,   Other  current  assets  consist  of  time  deposit  above  3  months,
        uang  muka  pemesanan  persediaan  dan  promosi.  Pada  2018,   advance payments for inventories and promotions. In 2018,
        nilai aset lancar lainnya turun sebesar 64,36% dari Rp91,51   other current assets decreased by 64.36% from Rp91.51 billion
        miliar menjadi Rp32,61 miliar.                    to Rp32.61 billion.

        114      CONTINUE DRIVING FUTURE GROWTH                                                                                                                                                          CONTINUE DRIVING FUTURE GROWTH  115
                                                                                                                                                                                                              PT FAST FOOD INDONESIA TBK
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