Page 121 - KFC Annual Report 2018
P. 121

                                                                                                        ANNUAL REPORT

                                                                                               Tinjauan Keuangan
                                                                                                    Financial Review

                  KOMPREHENSIF LAINNYA
                                                                                         DALAM JUTAAN RUPIAH | IN RP MILLION
                             URAIAN                2017        2018         Growth            DESCRIPTION
                  Pendapatan                       5.302.684    6.017.492     13,48%                      Revenues
                  Beban Pokok Penjualan           (1.985.664)  (2.277.402)    14,69%                Cost of goods sold
                  Laba bruto                       3.317.020    3.740.091     12,75%                    Gross profit
                  Beban Penjualan dan Distribusi  (2.670.198)  (2.865.175)     7,30%     Selling and distribution expenses
                  Beban Operasi Lainnya              (6.395)      (5.888)      -7,93%         Other operating expenses
                  Penghasilan operasi lainnya        54.391       43.400      -20,21%           Other operating income
                  Laba usaha                        154.966      266.226      71,80%                 Operating profit
                  Penghasilan keuangan               35.239       33.872       -3,88%                Finance income
                  Pajak final atas penghasilan keuangan  (7.048)  (6.774)      -3,88%        Final tax on finance income
                  Beban keuangan                    (18.426)     (18.327)      -0,54%                   Finance cost
                  Bagian atas laba entitas asosiasi  -             4.094           -         Share in profit of associates
                  Laba sebelum pajak                164.732      279.091      69,42%                 Profit before tax
                  Manfaat (beban) pajak penghasilan   2.267      (67.079)   -3059,20%       Income tax benefit (expense)
                  Laba tahun berjalan               166.999      212.011      26,95%                Profit for the year
                  Penghasilan komprehensif lain tahun   (46.760)  84.790     281,33%   Other comprehensive income for the
                  berjalan setelah pajak                                                              year, net of tax
                  Total penghasilan komprehensif tahun   120.238  296.801    146,84%   Total comprehensive income for the
                  berjalan                                                                                   year
                  Laba per saham dasar (angka penuh)     84         106       26,19%           Basic earnings per share

                  PENDAPATAN                                        REVENUE
                  Jumlah pendapatan pada tahun 2018 sebesar Rp6,02 triliun, naik   Total revenue in 2018 was Rp6.02 trillion, incresed by 13.48%
                  13,48% dibanding 2017 Rp5,30 triliun. Penjualan makanan dan   compared to Rp5.30 trillion in 2017. Foods and beverages sales
                  minuman sebesar Rp5,95 triliun dan masih menjadi kontributor   amounted to Rp5.95 trillion and remained the largest contributor
                  terbesar dalam struktur pendapatan Perseroan. Penjualan   to the Company’s revenue structure. Sales of CD consignment
                  konsinyasi CD sebesar Rp59,83 miliar dan pendapatan layanan   amounted to Rp59.83 billion and delivery service amounted to
                  antar sebesar Rp12,42 miliar.                     Rp12.42 billion.
                  BEBAN POKOK PENJUALAN                             COST OF GOODS SOLD
                  beban pokok penjualan Perseroan meliputi pemakaian persediaan   the Company’s cost of goods sold represents consumption of raw
                  bahan baku, makanan dan minuman, serta bahan pembungkus.   materials, food and beverages, and packing materials. In 2018,
                  Pada tahun 2018, beban pokok penjualan sebesar Rp2,28 triliun,   cost of goods sold amounted to Rp2.28 trillion, increased by
                  meningkat 14,69% dibanding 2017 Rp1,99 triliun.   14.69% compared to 2017 at Rp1.99 trillion.

                  LABA SEBELUM PAJAK                                PROFIT BEFORE TAX
                  Pada tahun 2018, Perseroan mencatatkan laba usaha sebesar   In 2018, the Company recorded operating profit of Rp279.09
                  Rp279,09 miliar, meningkat 69,42% dari tahun 2017 Rp164,73   billion, increased by 69.42% from Rp164.73 billion in 2017. The
                  miliar. Peningkatan laba sebelum pajak tersebut terutama   increase in profit before tax was mainly due to an increase of
                  disebabkan meningkatnya laba usaha karena naiknya penjualan   operating profit following the increase of sales and optimum cost

                                                                                  CONTINUE DRIVING FUTURE GROWTH  119
                                                                                       PT FAST FOOD INDONESIA TBK
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