Page 99 - KFC Annual Report 2018
P. 99

                                                                                                        ANNUAL REPORT

                                                                                             Layanan KFC Breakfast
                                                                                                 KFC Breakfast Service

                  KFC Breakfast merupakan tambahan unit bisnis Perseroan yang   KFC Breakfast is an additional business unit of the Company that
                  sudah berjalan sejak 2011 lebih dari 9 tahun dan berfokus pada   has been performing for more than 9 years. This service focuses
                  penyajian menu-menu Breakfast mulai jam 05.00 – 11.00 AM   on serving a variety of Breakfast menus starting from 05.00 –
                  dengan berbagai menu ringan mengenyangkan dan sesuai   11.00 AM. Light meals are available to satisfy the consumers’
                  dengan selera konsumen.                           taste.
                  STRATEGI 2018                                     STRATEGY IN 2018
                  Pada awal tahun 2018 terdapat 164 gerai yang menyediakan   At the beginning of 2018, 164 outlets served the breakfast menu.
                  menu breakfast, dikarenakan penyesuaian lokasi dan permintaan   Due to location adjustment and request from several stores, by
                  beberapa gerai, pada akhir tahun 2018  mengalami penurunan   the end of 2018 the number of store was reduced to 138 stores
                  menjadi  138  gerai  yang  masih  menjual  menu  Breakfast.   that serve Breakfast menu. The reduction was taken for adjusting
                  Penurunan ini dikarenakan penyesuaian lokasi penjualan menu   the sales location of Breakfast menu in several stores in order to
                  Breakfast dibeberapa store agar bisa lebih meningkatkan sales   increase the sales of Breakfast KFC menu.
                  menu Breakfast KFC.                                

                  KINERJA 2018                                      PERFORMANCE IN 2018
                  Pada tahun 2018 secara total penjualan Store Breakfast tumbuh   In 2018, sales of Store Breakfast grew 0.12% and transaction
                  sebesar 0.12% dan pertumbuhan transaksi sebesar 0.19%   increased by 0.19% compared to total sales Breakfast during
                  dibandingkan total penjualan Breakfast selama tahun 2017.   2017. Contribution to sales and transaction of store breakfast
                  Kontribusi penjualan dan transaksi store breakfast terhadap total   to total sales was 7.2%. Currently store Breakfast continues  to
                  penjualan sebesar 7.2%. Saat ini store Breakfast masih terus   improving breakfast menu service.
                  melakukan peningkatan pelayanan menu breakfast.    

                  Pada tahun 2018 menu Bubur KFC menjadi menu reguler   In 2018, KFC Poridge menu become a regular menu that is served
                  yang dibuka di 10 Store dengan hasil peningkatan rata – rata   at 10 Stores with average increase of sales at 60%.
                  penjualan sebesar 60%.

                  STRATEGI 2019                                     STRATEGY IN 2019
                  Untuk lebih menjangkau konsumen agar dapat menikmati   To expand customer reach in enjoying various KFC Breakfast
                  beberapa Menu Favorite KFC Breakfast sekaligus meningkatkan   Favorite Menu and to increase sales, KFC Breakfast plans to serve
                  penjualan, KFC Breakfast berencana membuka menu Riser   Riser menu at several stores breakfast as a regular menu as well
                  di beberapa store breakfast sebagai menu reguler serta   as increae total store with KFC Breakfast by 10%.
                  meningkatkan jumlah gerai KFC Breakfast sebanyak 10%.

                                                                                  CONTINUE DRIVING FUTURE GROWTH  97
                                                                                       PT FAST FOOD INDONESIA TBK
   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104