Page 178 - KFC Annual Report 2018
P. 178

TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN                                                                                                                                                           LAPORAN TAHUNAN
                                 Corporate Social Responsibility                                                                                                                                                               ANNUAL REPORT

        Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusaahan
        Corporate Social Responsibility

           -  Sebelum gerakan ini, KFC Indonesia mengeluarkan 12 juta     -  Prior to this initiative, KFC Indonesia procured 12 million
            sedota per bulan atau sekitar 21.000 sedotan per buln per   straws per month or about 21,000 per month per outlet.
            gerai. Kini, jumlah sedotan yang dikurangi dari seluruh gerai   Today, the number of straws reduced from all Jabodetabek
            Jabodetabek saja setara dengan 275x tinggi Monumen   outlets are equivalent to 275x of the National Monument
            Nasional.                                        height.
           -  Perluasan sosialisasi gerakan ini ke seluruh Indonesia     -  Extended campaign dissemination coverage across
            melalui  jumpa pers di  kota-kota  besar seperti Makassar,   Indonesia through press conference events in big cities such
            Bali, Surabaya, Yogya, dan Medan dan peliputan media   as Makassar, Bali, Surabaya, Yogya, and Medan and with the
            yang kian meluas.                                campaign being more widely reported.

        Selain itu, Perseroan juga terus berusaha menumbuhkan   In addition, the Company continuously promotes a clean-up-
        “BudayaBeberes”, yaitu mengajak konsumen membuang   after-yourself-culture (“BudayaBeBeres”), a campaign that
        sisa makanan ke sarana yang sudah disiapkan. Kampanye ini   encourages the customers to throw their food leftovers into the
        hendak membangun kesadaran pentingnya menjaga kebersihan   trash bin. It aims to raise people’s awareness of the importance
        lingkungan.                                       of maintaining a clean environment.

                                                          TANGGUNG JAWAB
                                                          SOSIAL &
                                                          Social & Community
                                                          Development Responsibility

        & KEMASYARAKATAN                                  RESPONSIBILITY
        Perseroan terus  memperkuat komitmennya  pada perluasan   The Company continuously strengthens its social responsibility
        akses pendidikan berkualitas untuk semua anak Indonesia.   commitment to increase the access of quality education to all of
        Bersama  Komunitas  1000  Guru,  Perseroan  dalam  dua  tahun   the Indonesian children. Together with “Seribu Guru” Community,
        terakhir ikut menjalankan Smart Center Project. Kegiatan ini   the Company has been contributing to Smart Center Project in
        tidak  hanya berfokus  pada pendidikan  tetapi juga  pemberian   the past two years. This activity focuses not only in providing
        makanan pagi bergizi yang pada tahun 2018 menjangkau 4.022   students  with education but  also  nutritious  breakfast  that in
        murid.                                            2018 reached a total of 4,022.

        Tak hanya itu, ada pula program “Share Your Bucket” yang   There is also the “Share Your Bucket” program, where the
        mengajak pelanggan menyumbang Rp5.000  untuk setiap   customers were given a chance to donate Rp 5,000 for every
        pembelian whole chicken bucket untuk mendukung Smart Center   whole chicken bucket they purchased in support of the Smart
        Project. Pada tahun 2018, program ini berlangsung dalam kurun   Center Project operations. In 2018, this program was held from
        Mei hingga Juli.                                  May to July.

        Pada bulan Agustus 2018, KFC Indonesia dan Komunitas 1000   In August  2018,  KFC Indonesia  and “1000  Guru”  Community
        Guru menyerahkan donasi senilai total Rp500 juta kepada SD   donated a total of Rp 500 million to Mata We Tamee Elementary
        Mata We Tamee di Sumba Barat. Selain itu, Perseroan juga   School in West Sumba. Furthermore, a 63m2  school’s library was
        meresmikan pembukaan perpustakaan sekolah seluas 63m .  also inaugurated.

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