Page 177 - KFC Annual Report 2018
P. 177

                                                                                                        ANNUAL REPORT

                                                                                 Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusaahan
                                                                                          Corporate Social Responsibility

                  Tekad  berkontribusi  kepada  masyarakat  Indonesia  adalah  hal   The strong commitment to making a contribution to the people
                  yang mendasari komitmen PT FFI pada pelaksanaan tanggung   of Indonesia is the foundation behind the PT FFI’s corporate
                  jawab sosial perusahaan. Dari tahun ke tahun, secara konsisten   social responsibility fulfillment. The Company continuously
                  Perseroan berupaya melakukan berbagai kegiatan yang menyasar   implements various activities from year to year, addressing the
                  bidang lingkungan hidup dan pendidikan serta ketenagakerjaan   environmental, educational, employment, and customers’ rights
                  dan pemenuhan hak konsumen.                       issues.

                  Dalam mengembangkan program-programnya, Perseroan   In developing its programs, the Company strives to build
                  senantiasa berupaya menyusun kegiatan yang spesifik   activities that are specifically tailored to their objectives and
                  dan  terukur.  Dengan  begitu,  Perseroan  dapat  memantau   measurable at all times. This allows the Company to be able
                  perkembangan program, pencapaian target, dan efektivitas   to monitor the program development,  achievement, and
                  program.  Tidak  hanya  memastikan  bahwa  program  mampu   effectiveness. These approaches are important both to ensure
                  menyentuh penerima manfaatnya secara bermakna, hal ini juga   the targeted beneficiaries truly benefit from the program and
                  memastikan keberlanjutan program sehingga dampak baiknya   to reinforce the sustainability of the programs, thus expanding
                  dapat terus diperluas.                            their positive impacts.

                                            TANGGUNG JAWAB
                                            LINGKUNGAN HIDUP
                                            Responsibility Towards The

                  Saat ini, masyarakat tidak bisa lagi menutup mata terhadap   Today, the fact that plastic waste causes severe environmental
                  fakta kerusakan lingkungan berat akibat limbah plastik. Imbauan   damage can no longer be ignored. The appeals to change
                  untuk mengubah perilaku konsumsi pun diserukan tidak hanya   consumption behavior have been made not only  to the
                  kepada konsumen tetapi juga badan-badan usaha; kedua belah   consumers but also business entities; both parties are expected
                  pihak diharapkan saling mengambil tindakan proaktif untuk   to take on proactive measures to reduce the volume of plastic
                  mengurangi volume limbah plastik.                 wastes.
                  Bagi Perseroan, titik balik terjadi pada 8 Mei 2017, yaitu ketika KFC   The turning point for the Company was on 8 May 2017, when KFC
                  Indonesia meresmikan inisiatif #NoStrawMovement bertepatan   Indonesia formally adopted the initiative of #NoStrawMovement
                  dengan peringatan dengan Hari Terumbu Karang. Melalui inisiatif   coinciding with the celebration of the World’s Coral Day. Under
                  ini, KFC Indonesia secara bertahap menghentikan penyediaan   this initiative, KFC Indonesia gradually removes plastic straws
                  sedotan plastik di gerai-gerainya. Per akhir 2018, program ini   from its outlets. As of the end of 2018, this initiative successfully
                  berhasil menunjukkan pencapaian yang membanggakan:  delivered major accomplishments:

                     -  Total 630 gerai KFC Indonesia sudah berpartisipasi dalam     -  A total of 630 KFC Indonesia outlets have participated in
                      #NoStrawMovement. Di gerai-gerai ini, tidak lagi disediakan   #NoStrawMovement. The outlets’ straw dispensers, which
                      dispenser sedotan yang dahulu diletakkan di konter.   used to be placed near the counter, are no longer available.

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