Page 137 - KFC Annual Report 2017
P. 137

                  Corporate Governance        Corporate Social Responsibility      Financial Statement

                                                                                                 JAMINAN KUALITAS
                                                                                               QUALITY ASSURANCE

               Quality Assurance  Department berperan penting dalam   Quality Assurance Department plays an important role in
               penjaminan produk yang dihasilkan dan memastikan proses   guaranteeing the produced products as well as ensuring
               pembuatan sesuai dengan standar serta persyaratan yang   that the manufacturing process is  in accordance with
               ditentukan. Kualitas, keamanan pangan, halal harus benar-  the specified standards and requirements. Quality, food
               benar  diperhatikan untuk  meningkatkan nilai  tambah  dan   safety, halal must be fully addressed to increase the added
               daya saing produk KFC diantara restoran cepat saji di   value and competitiveness of KFC products among fast-
               Indonesia yang terus berkembang pesat saat ini. Berbagai   food restaurants in Indonesia which are growing rapidly
               upaya dilakukan supaya semua hal tersebut dapat dicapai   nowadays. Various efforts are made so that all these things
               sehingga restoran dapat menyajikan produk  yang sesuai   can be achieved hence the restaurant can present products
               harapan pelanggan.                                 that meet the customer expectations.

                       83.50               NILAI RATA-RATA HASIL TRANSPORTATION QUALITY

                    Nilai rata-rata hasil   AUDIT (TQA) TAHUN 2017 ADALAH 83.50 DARI TOTAL
                    Transportation         25 GUDANG. HASIL TERSEBUT MENUNJUKKAN
                    Quality Audit (TQA)    PENINGKATAN YANG BAIK DIBANDINGKAN DENGAN
                    The average value of   TAHUN 2016, YAITU 79.37 DARI TOTAL 16 GUDANG.
                    the 2017 Transportation
                    Quality Audit (TQA)
                                           The average value of the 2017 Transportation Quality Audit (TQA)
                                           results is 83.50 out of a total of 25 warehouses. The results shows a
                                           good improvement compared to 2016, which is 79.37 out of a total of
                                           16 warehouses.

               Auditor dalam melakukan audit pengawasan kualitas harus   Auditors in conducting quality control audit should be
               berbekal pemahaman dan pengetahuan terbaru mengenai   equipped with the latest understanding and knowledge
               audit itu sendiri. Oleh karenanya pada tanggal 6 - 7 Maret   about the audit itself.  Therefore, on 6 - 7 March 2017
               2017 auditor KFC Indonesia mengikuti kalibrasi  yang   KFC Indonesia auditors followed the calibration held by
               diselenggarakan oleh  YUM QA dan sekaligus bertindak   YUM QA and simultaneously acting as the speaker. In the
               sebagai pemateri. Dalam kalibrasi tersebut, tim  YUM   calibration, the YUM team emphasized the importance on
               menekankan pada pentingnya mengerti dengan baik    proper  understanding  of each  clause  in the  Food  Safety
               setiap klausa dalam manual  Food  Safety Audit,  Quality   Audit manual, the Quality System Audit, and the Distribution
               System Audit, dan manual  Distribution  Quality Audit.   Quality Audit manual. During calibration, the auditor has the
               Selama kalibrasi, auditor memiliki kesempatan untuk   opportunity to ask questions, convey obstacles, discuss,
               bertanya, menyampaikan kendala, berdiskusi bersama, dan   and gained solutions to issues encountered during the audit.
               mendapatkan solusi atas masalah  yang dihadapai ketika
               pelaksanaan audit.

               Guna menambah wawasan mengenai produk, tim  Food   In order to add insight into the product, the Food Innovation
               Innovation  and  Technology  (FIT)  atau  RND  dan  Quality   and Technology (FIT) or RND and Quality Assurance KFC
               Assurance KFC Indonesia mengikuti  Product Excellence   Indonesia team  participated in Product Excellence College
               College di Plano Dallas pada tanggal 08 – 11 Mei 2017. Ini   in Plano Dallas on 08 - 11 May 2017. This is a short course
               adalah kursus singkat  yang diselenggarakan oleh  YUM!   as organized by  YUM! International and is particularly

                                            DRIVING FUTURE GROWTH | ANNUAL REPORT 2017  PT FAST FOOD INDONESIA TBK  135
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