Page 29 - KFC Annual Report 2017
P. 29

                  Corporate Governance        Corporate Social Responsibility      Financial Statement

                                                                                         LAPORAN DEWAN KOMISARIS
                                                                                  BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT

               Saat  ini,  FFI  melalui  KFC  Indonesia  mengelola  total  628   Today, through KFC Indonesia, FFI manages a total of 628
               gerai; kami hadir di 33 dari 34 provinsi Indonesia dan 155   stores; we are present in 33 out of 34 Indonesian provinces
               kota/kabupaten di seluruh nusantara.               and 155 cities/ regencies in the archipelago.

               IMPLEMENTASI TATA KELOLA                           CORPORATE GOVERNANCE
               Pengelolaan FFI tidak dapat dilepaskan dari aspek tata   FFI’s management cannot be separated from corporate
               kelola. Sebagai salah satu unsur tata kelola perusahaan,   governance aspect.  As one of the elements of corporate
               Dewan Komisaris berupaya menjalankan peran dengan   governance, the Board of Commissioners is dedicated to
               sebaik-baiknya  dan  terus  mendorong  peningkatan  mutu   its role and continues to encourage the improvement of
               implementasi tata kelola.                          corporate governance practices.

               Sepanjang tahun 2017, Dewan Komisaris telah mengadakan   In 2017, the Board of Commissioners held routine meetings,
               rapat-rapat rutin baik rapat internal maupun gabungan   internal meeting and joint meetings with the Board of
               dengan Direksi dan Komite  Audit. Kami juga terus   Directors and the Audit Committee. We also continued to
               memastikan  kepatuhan  organisasi  terhadap  prinsip  dan   ensure that the organization complied with governance
               standar tata kelola dalam hal pemenuhan hak pemegang   principles and standards in meeting the shareholders’
               saham, perlakuan adil dan setara terhadap pemegang   rights, provide fair and equal treatment to shareholders,
               saham, peran pemangku kepentingan, pengungkapan    role of stakeholders, information disclosure, and information
               informasi, dan transparansi sebagaimana digariskan di   transparency as set out in the Financial Services Authority
               dalam peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK).      (OJK) regulations.

               Selain memberikan arahan mekanisme kerja  yang jelas   In addition to providing a clear work mechanism between
               antara unit dalam suatu organisasi, semangat di balik   units in the organization, the spirit behind the governance
               implementasi sistem tata kelola adalah pengembangan   system is the promotion of professionalism and integrity.
               profesionalisme  dan  integritas.  Untuk  itu,  Manajemen   As such, FFI’s management with the support of the Board
               FFI  dengan  dukungan  Dewan  Komisaris  menerapkan   of Commissioners has set up a whistleblowing system.  A
               mekanisme pelaporan pelanggaran. Layanan  z telah   Contact Center service is prepared to receive any reports,
               dibentuk untuk menerima pengaduan, komentar, dan saran   complaints, and suggestions with regards to the Company’s
               berkaitan operasional Perusahaan  yang mungkin tidak   operations that may not be identified during a regular audit
               ditemui pada kegiatan audit reguler. Manajemen menjamin   activity.  The Management maintains the confidentiality of
               kerahasiaan pelapor dan akan menindaklanjuti laporan yang   the whistleblower and will follow-up reports with sufficient
               memiliki dasar yang kuat.                          evidence.

               PANDANGAN TERHADAP PROSPEK                         BUSINESS PROSPECT
               Berdasarkan pertimbangan kami terhadap pengelolaan   In  light  of  our  views  above  on  FFI’s  management  and
               dan kinerja FFI di atas, dapat disampaikan bahwa Dewan   performance, the Board of Commissioners is optimistic that
               Komisaris optimis FFI akan terus mampu bertumbuh   FFI will be able to continue to grow in the future. We expect

                                            DRIVING FUTURE GROWTH | ANNUAL REPORT 2017  PT FAST FOOD INDONESIA TBK  27
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