Page 177 - KFC Annual Report 2017
P. 177

                  Corporate Governance        Corporate Social Responsibility      Financial Statement

                                                                                              TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI
                                                                                          INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY

               tetapi juga efektif dan efisien dalam mendorong kinerja   performance.  The  next  challenge  is  the  need for  capital
               Perseroan. Tantangan selanjutnya adalah pada kebutuhan   expenditure that shall be accounted by the Company in order
               capital expanditure yang harus dikelurkan Perseroan dalam   to realize the various concepts and strategies implementation.
               rangka  merealisasikan berbagai konsep dan strategi yang
               perlu untuk diimplementasikan.

               Selain itu, Perseroan juga menghadapi tantangan  yang   In addition, the Company also encounters difficult challenges,
               tidak  kalah  berat,  yakni  keterbatasan  orang  atau  sumber   which are the limited human resources required to develop
               daya manusia  yang diperlukan untuk mengembangkan   or create applications programs that have been planned. At
               atau membuat program-program aplikasi  yang telah   the end of the fourth quarter of 2017, the Company has set
               direncanakan. Pada akhir kuartal IV 2017, Perseroan telah   in preparing necessary employees hence this information
               memantapkan diri untuk mempersiapkan karyawan-     technology development plan will certainly be ready to
               karyawan  yang  diperlukan  tersebut  sehingga  rencana   support the Company’s strategy in 2018.
               pengembangan  teknologi  informasi  ini  dadapt  dipastikan
               siap mendukung strategi Perseroan di 2018.

               IMPLEMENTASI 2017                                  2017 IMPLEMENTATION
               Sesuai dengan roadmap teknologi informasi  yang    In accordance with the Company’s information technology
               dikembangkan oleh Perseroan, program kerja  Teknologi   roadmap, the Information Technology work program in 2017
               informasi selama 2017 difokuskan pada:             is focused on:

               •   Pengembangan jaringan sistem komunikasi untuk   •   Development of network communications systems for
                   digunakan dalam pengiriman data secara nasional    nationwide data transmission using VPN (Virtual Private
                   menggunakan  VPN (Virtual Private Network), dari   Network), from PSTN & VSAT access media to FO (fiber-
                   media akses PSTN &  VSAT ke  FO (fiber-optic), dan   optic), and for areas not yet been able to use FO with
                   untuk daerah-daerah yang belum bisa FO menggunakan   BWA (Broadband Wireless Access) to speed up data
                   BWA (Broadband Wireless Access) guna mempercepat   transmittal.
                   data transmittal.
               •   Pembuatan  program  aplikasi  berbasis  on-line   •   Creation of on-line application program using LAN (Local
                   menggunakan LAN (Local Area Network)  dalam store   Area Network) in store or internet in areas outside the
                   atau internet kalau diluar store yang dapat dijelaskan   store is elaborated as follows:
                   sebagai berikut:

                     PROGRAM APLIKASI             STATUS                          KEGUNAAN
                      Application Program                                           Usage
                Integration of the Go-Jek Online apps into the  Completed in 2017  To provide interface facility for Go-Jek HD, as the order automatically received by
                existing store POS assistance                POS system
                Table Service functionality   Completed in 2017  Facilitate ordering by customers at the table (no need for queuing at the counter)
                SST functionality (Self Service Terminal)  Completed  Customer orders from SST to speed up ordering
                DCMS facility (Daily Cash Monitoring System)  Completed  For daily monitoring of store deposits in the Head Office
                Food Bus application facilty  Go live in January 2018 Facility provided in order to segregate operating results of Food Bus
                API Facility for restaurant tax to LGUs  Completed   Facilitate local government in verifying tax obligation of stores in Solo.  Can also be
                                                             provided in other areas, where LGU is required
                Airport Application facility  Completed      Facility to obtain sales data from airport store

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