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ACCELERATING GROWTH TOWARDS RECOVERY                                                                                         LAPORAN MANAJEMEN
                                        MENGEJAR PERTUMBUHAN MENUJU PEMULIHAN                                                                                        MANAGEMENT REPORTS

        LAPORAN DEWAN KOMISARIS                                                                                                                                                                      LAPORAN DEWAN KOMISARIS
        Board of Commissioners Report                                                                                                                                                                       Board of Commissioners Report

        PENGAWASAN TERHADAP                               OVERSIGHT OF THE IMPLEMENTATION                                                PANDANGAN ATAS PELAKSANAAN TATA                   VIEWS ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF
        IMPLEMENTASI STRATEGI DIREKSI                     OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’                                                     KELOLA                                            GOVERNANCE
                                                                                                                                         Perseroan telah melaksanakan prinsip-prinsip tata kelola   The Company has implemented the principles of good
        Dewan Komisaris telah menjalankan fungsi pengawasan   The Board of Commissioners has performed its oversight                     perusahaan yang baik (GCG) dalam setiap aktivitas   corporate governance (GCG) in every business activity.
        atas pengelolaan usaha Perseroan oleh Direksi     function over the Company’s business management by                             usaha. Secara struktur tata kelola, Perseroan memiliki   In terms of governance structure, the Company has
        sepanjang tahun 2023. Selain itu, memberikan nasihat   the Board of Directors throughout 2023. The Board has                     organ-organ utama GCG yakni Rapat Umum Pemegang   main GCG bodies including the General Meeting of
        dan rekomendasi kepada Direksi dalam menerapkan   also provided advice and recommendations to the Board                          Saham, Dewan Komisaris, dan Direksi yang telah    Shareholders, the Board of Commissioners, and the
        kebijakan strategis untuk pengembangan usaha      of Directors in implementing strategic policies for the                        menjalankan fungsinya masing-masing sesuai dengan   Board of Directors, which have each performed their
        Perseroan.                                        development of the Company’s business.                                         aturan yang berlaku.                              functions according to applicable rules.

        Fungsi pengawasan dilakukan melalui rapat Dewan   The oversight function is carried out through meetings                         Selain organ utama, struktur tata kelola dilengkapi   In addition to the main bodies, the governance structure
        Komisaris maupun rapat bersama Direksi. Dalam     of the Board of Commissioners as well as joint meetings                        dengan organ-organ pendukung GCG yakni Komite     is supplemented by GCG supporting organs such as
        rapat-rapat tersebut, kami antara lain membahas   with the Board of Directors. In these meetings, we                             Audit, Sekretaris Perusahaan, dan Audit Internal. Seluruh   the Audit Committee, Corporate Secretary, and Internal
        tentang pencapaian target,  pelaksanaan tata kelola,   discuss achievements of targets, the implementation                       organ-organ pendukung tersebut telah menjalankan   Audit.  All these supporting organs have properly
        implementasi  pengembangan  teknologi  informasi  of governance, the implementation of information                               tanggung jawabnya masing-masing dengan baik.      performed their respective responsibilities.
        dan pengelolaan sumber daya manusia (SDM) serta   technology  development,  and  human  resource
        menemukan solusi bersama atas setiap kendala yang   management, and find joint solutions to any challenges                       Perseroan juga memiliki  soft structure GCG antara   The Company also has a GCG soft structure including the
        dihadapi oleh Perseroan.                          encountered by the Company.                                                    lain  AD/ART, prosedur standar operasi,  peraturan   Articles of Association, standard operating procedures,
                                                                                                                                         perusahaan, kode etik, dan nilai-nilai inti perusahaan   company regulations, code of ethics, and core company
        Hasil-hasil rapat tersebut telah dinotulensikan. Dalam   The results of these meetings have been minuted.                        yang mengikat seluruh pihak di internal Perseroan.   values that bind all internal parties of the Company.
        melaksanakan fungsi pengawasan, Dewan Komisaris   In performing its oversight function, the Board of
        dibantu oleh Komite Audit yang telah menjalankan tugas   Commissioners  is assisted  by  the  Audit Committee,                   Terkait dengan implementasi  whistleblowing system,   On the whistleblowing system implementation, the
        dan tanggung jawabnya dengan baik selama tahun 2023.  which has performed its duties and responsibilities well                   Perseroan telah memiliki alur kerja  yang jelas mulai   Company has a clear workflow from the procedure
                                                          throughout 2023.                                                               dari tata cara pengaduan, sarana pengaduan, pihak   for complaints, complaint facilities, parties handling
                                                                                                                                         yang menangani aduan sampai perlindungan data diri   complaints to the protection of the whistleblower’s
        PANDANGAN TERHADAP PROSPEK                        VIEWS ON BUSINESS PROSPECTS                                                    pelapor.                                          personal data.
                                                                                                                                         Mekanisme   whistleblowing  system  memberikan    The whistleblowing system mechanism provides an
        Sub industri QSR berpotensi untuk terus tumbuh    The QSR sub-industry has the potential to continue                             kesempatan yang sama pada setiap individu di      equal opportunity for every individual in the Company
        pada masa mendatang seiring dengan membaiknya     growing in the future as the economy improves and                              Perseroan untuk melaporkan semua jenis  fraud yang   to report any type of fraud detrimental to the Company.
        perekonomian dan terjaganya daya beli masyarakat.   consumer purchasing power is maintained. The easing                          merugikan Perseroan. Selama tahun 2023, Perseroan   Throughout 2023, the Company did not receive any
        Meredanya konflik di  Timur  Tengah akan memberikan   of conflicts in the Middle East will provide a positive                    tidak menerima aduan dari sistem pelaporan ini.   complaints from this reporting system.
        sentimen positif terhadap penjualan produk Perseroan.    sentiment for the Company’s product sales.
                                                                                                                                         PERUBAHAN PADA KOMPOSISI DEWAN                    CHANGES IN THE COMPOSITION OF THE
        Perseroan tetap fokus pada upaya menjaga mutu produk   The Company remains focused on maintaining product                        KOMISARIS                                         BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS
        dan melakukan inovasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan     quality and innovating according to customer needs.
        pelanggan. Penambahan dan renovasi gerai juga akan   The addition and renovation of outlets will also continue                   Pada tahun 2023, Perseroan tidak melakukan perubahan   In 2023, the Company did not make any changes on the
        terus dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kenyamanan     to enhance customer comfort.  The increase in sales                            struktur anggota Dewan Komisaris.                 structure of the Board of Commissioners.
        pelanggan. Peningkatan produktivitas penjualan akan   productivity will be supported by digital technology
        didukung dengan teknologi digital aplikasi KFCku   through the KFCku app and collaboration with
        maupun berkolaborasi dengan aggregator.           aggregators.

        Dewan Komisaris berpandangan prospek usaha        The Board of Commissioners views that the business
        Perseroan yang disusun oleh Direksi tersebut memiliki   prospects outlined  by  the  Board  of  Directors  have  an
        landasan obyektif dan telah mempertimbangkan sumber   objective foundation and have considered the resources
        daya yang dimiliki, peluang yang tersedia, dan tantangan   available, opportunities, and challenges encountered by
        yang dihadapi oleh Perseroan.                     the Company.

                             PT FAST FOOD INDONESIA TBK  22  LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2023                                                                                  2023 ANNUAL REPORT  23    PT FAST FOOD INDONESIA TBK
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