Page 346 - AR SR FFI 2023_0805_Low
P. 346

The original financial statements included                                                                             The original financial statements included
                                                                                      herein are in the Indonesian language.                                                                                 herein are in the Indonesian language.

                     PT FAST FOOD INDONESIA TBK                          PT FAST FOOD INDONESIA TBK                                         PT FAST FOOD INDONESIA TBK                          PT FAST FOOD INDONESIA TBK
                        DAN ENTITAS ANAKNYA                                   AND ITS SUBSIDIARY                                               DAN ENTITAS ANAKNYA                                   AND ITS SUBSIDIARY
                  CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN                          NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED                                       CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN                          NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED
                       KONSOLIDASIAN (lanjutan)                        FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued)                                       KONSOLIDASIAN (lanjutan)                        FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued)
                   Tanggal 31 Desember 2023 dan untuk                      As of December 31, 2023 and                                    Tanggal 31 Desember 2023 dan untuk                      As of December 31, 2023 and
                Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal Tersebut                    for the Year Then Ended                                   Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal Tersebut                    for the Year Then Ended
                     (Disajikan dalam ribuan Rupiah,                    (Expressed in thousands of Rupiah,                                   (Disajikan dalam ribuan Rupiah,                   (Expressed in thousands of Rupiah,
                         kecuali dinyatakan lain)                            unless otherwise stated)                                           kecuali dinyatakan lain)                            unless otherwise stated)
              9.  INVESTASI PADA ENTITAS ASOSIASI               9.  INVESTMENT IN ASSOCIATE                                          10. ASET TETAP, NETO                              10. FIXED ASSETS, NET

                 Berikut  ini  adalah rincian  kepemilikan  saham   The following describes detail of share ownership of                Rincian mutasi dari  aset  tetap  adalah  sebagai     The details of the movements of fixed assets are as
                 Perusahaan pada PT Gemilang Setia Sejahtera        the  Company  in  PT Gemilang  Setia  Sejahtera                     berikut:                                           follows:
                 (“GSS”):                                           (“GSS”):
                                                                                                                                                          Saldo Awal/                                 Saldo Akhir/
                                                   Tahun Beroperasi                        Persentase Kepemilikan                                         Beginning    Penambahan/  Pengurangan/   Reklasifikasi/  Ending
                                                   Secara Komersial/                         Grup/Percentage of                         31 Desember 2023   Balance   Additions  Deductions  Reclassification  Balance   December 31, 2023
                                                      Start of                             Ownership of the Group                       Biaya perolehan                                                                           Cost
                    Entitas Asosiasi/  Domisili/     Commercial        Kegiatan Usaha/                                                  Tanah              168.895.370    190.917.590  -          -     359.812.960              Land
                      Associate       Domicile       Operation        Business Activities   2023        2022
                                                                                                                                        Bangunan           56.604.072       -          -          -   56.604.072               Buildings
                   PT Gemilang Setia     Boyolali, Jawa  2012        Pengolahan pemotongan    40%         40%                           Mesin dan peralatan  1.126.335.507     67.083.627        (8.157.307)  -  Machineries and equipment
                     Sejahtera       Tengah                         hewan ayam dan sapi/                                                Kendaraan bermotor    218.732.972     37.473.761       (18.182.519)  -     238.024.214  Motor vehicles
                                                                    Processing of slaughter of                                          Perabotan dan                                                                  Furniture, fixtures and
                                                                    chicken dan cattle                                                    peralatan kantor    180.168.816       9.526.996        (1.608.252)  -       188.087.560  office equipment
                                                                                                                                        Sub-total        1.750.736.737    305.001.974      (27.948.078)  -   2.027.790.633     Sub-total
                 Perusahaan  melakukan Perjanjian Jual-Beli         The  Company entered  into  Sale and  Purchase of                   Aset tetap dalam
                 Saham dengan  GSS, sebagaimana tertuang            Shares  Agreement  with  GSS,   which  was                            penyelesaian           -    105.786.982      -          -    105.786.982    Construction in-progress
                 dalam Akta Notaris Viola Tariza Windianita, SH.,   documented in Notarial Deed No. 60 of Viola Tariza                  Total biaya perolehan   1.750.736.737    410.788.956 *    (27.948.078)  -   2.133.577.615  Total cost
                 M.Kn.  No.  60  tanggal  11 Januari  2018,  dimana  Windianita, SH., M.Kn., dated January 11, 2018 with
                 Grup memperoleh 40% kepemilikan pada saham         GSS,  whereby  the Group  acquired  40%  share                      Akumulasi penyusutan                                                       Accumulated depreciation
                 GSS, melalui pembelian sebanyak 27.200 saham       ownership in  GSS,  by purchasing  27,200  GSS’                     Bangunan          33.320.467  1.944.202        -          -     35.264.669             Buildings
                                                                                                                                        Mesin dan peralatan  787.647.292  75.905.048  (5.888.454)         857.663.886  Machineries and equipment
                 GSS  dengan  harga  Rp27.200.000.  Grup juga       shares for  Rp27,200,000.  The Group  also  give
                                                                                                                                        Kendaraan bermotor    149.043.135     26.328.260       (15.272.558 )  -       160.098.837  Motor vehicles
                 menyerahkan dana partisipasi untuk pengurusan      participation fund in changing GSS’ land certificates               Perabotan dan                                                                  Furniture, fixtures and
                 perubahan sertifikat  tanah  GSS   sebesar         amounted to Rp1,800,000.                                              peralatan kantor  162.591.803  10.158.765  (1.484.755)  -       171.265.813   office equipment
                 Rp1.800.000.                                                                                                           Total akumulasi                                                                 Total accumulated
                                                                                                                                         penyusutan      1.132.602.697    114.336.275 *    (22.645.767)  -  depreciation
                 Saldo dan perubahan dari investasi                            Balance and changes in investment                        Nilai tercatat neto   618.134.040                              909.284.410     Net carrying amount
                                                 31 Desember 2023/     31 Desember 2022/
                                                December 31, 2023  December 31, 2022                                                    *)  Termasuk reklasifikasi  saldo  awal  biaya  perolehan  dan  akumulasi  penyusutan  dari  JAI  masing-masing  sebesar Rp93.624  dan Rp7.397  dan
                                                                                                                                           reklasifikasi biaya  perolehan  dan  akumulasi penyusutan  dari aset  hak-guna  masing-masing sebesar  Rp895.000  dan  Rp507.157/
                 Saldo awal                          47.705.917     45.947.044                   Beginning balance                        include reclassifications of beginning balance of cost and accumulated depreciation from JAI amounting to Rp93,624 and Rp7,397, respectively and
                 Bagian atas laba                      926.494       1.758.873                      Share of profit                        reclassifications of cost and accumulated depreciation from right-of-use assets amounting to Rp895,000 and Rp507,157, respectively.
                 Saldo akhir                         48.632.411     47.705.917                     Ending balance                                        Saldo Awal/                                  Saldo Akhir/
                                                                                                                                                          Beginning    Penambahan/  Pengurangan/   Reklasifikasi/  Ending
                                                                                                                                        31 Desember 2022   Balance   Additions  Deductions  Reclassification  Balance   December 31, 2022
                 Ringkasan informasi keuangan GSS                          Summary of financial information of GSS                      Biaya perolehan                                                                           Cost
                                                                                                                                        Tanah              163.848.821      5.046.549  -          -     168.895.370              Land
                                                                                                                                        Bangunan          56.604.072        -          -          -   56.604.072               Buildings
                                                 31 Desember 2023/     31 Desember 2022/                                                Mesin dan peralatan  47.912.009  (1.228.967)  (1.512.290 )  1.126.335.507  Machineries and equipment
                                                December 31, 2023  December 31, 2022
                                                                                                                                        Kendaraan bermotor  187.040.205  36.501.468  (10.464.238)  5.655.537  218.732.972   Motor vehicles
                                                                                                                                        Perabotan dan                                                                  Furniture, fixtures and
                 Total aset                         119.666.302    117.473.172                       Total assets
                                                                                                                                          peralatan kantor  172.356.850  10.023.668  (2.061.551)  (150.151 )      180.168.816  office equipment
                 Total liabilitas                   (14.223.646)   (14.346.749)                     Total liabilities
                                                                                                                                        Total biaya perolehan   1.661.014.703     99.483.694      (13.754.756)     3.993.096 *  1.750.736.737  Total cost
                 Ekuitas                            105.442.656    103.126.423                           Equity
                                                                                                                                        Akumulasi penyusutan                                                       Accumulated depreciation
                 Bagian Grup atas ekuitas - 40%      42.177.062     41.250.568           Group’s share in equity - 40%                  Bangunan           31.024.173      2.296.294   -          -     33.320.467             Buildings
                 Goodwill                             6.455.349      6.455.349                          Goodwill                        Mesin dan peralatan  712.075.084  77.975.448  (1.104.738)  (1.298.502 )  787.647.292  Machineries and equipment
                                                                                                                                        Kendaraan bermotor    128.735.998     21.768.492       (4.517.654 )      3.056.299       149.043.135  Motor vehicles
                 Nilai tercatat atas investasi Grup  48.632.411     47.705.917    Group’s carrying amount of investment                 Perabotan dan                                                                  Furniture, fixtures and
                                                                                                                                          peralatan kantor  152.654.622  12.144.327  (2.058.057)  (149.089)     162.591.803  office equipment
                 Laba tahun berjalan                  2.316.234      4.397.183                   Profit for the year                    Total akumulasi                                                                 Total accumulated
                 Bagian atas laba                      926.494       1.758.873                      Share in profit                      penyusutan      1.024.489.877    114.184.561       (7.680.449)     1.608.708 *  1.132.602.697  depreciation
                                                                                                                                        Nilai tercatat neto   636.524.826                              618.134.040     Net carrying amount
                 Perusahaan  asosiasi  tersebut memerlukan          The  associate  company requires the  Company’s                     *) Termasuk reklasifikasi biaya perolehan dan akumulasi penyusutan dari aset hak-guna masing-masing sebesar Rp5.655.537 dan Rp3.056.299 dan
                 persetujuan Perusahaan untuk  membagikan           consent  to  distribute its profits. The associate                   reklasifikasi  biaya perolehan  dan akumulasi penyusutan  ke  piutang  lain-lain  masing-masing  sebesar  Rp1.662.442  dan Rp1.447.591/ include
                                                                                                                                         reclassifications  of cost  and  accumulated depreciation  from  right-of-use assets  amounting  to  Rp5,655,537  and Rp3.056.299,
                 keuntungannya.  Perusahaan  asosiasi  tidak        company  has no contingent  liabilities  or  capital
                                                                                                                                         respectively and reclassification of cost and accumulated depreciation to other receivables amounting to Rp1,662,442 and Rp1,447,591, respectively.
                 memiliki liabilitas  kontinjensi atau  komitmen    commitments as of December 31, 2023 and 2022.
                 modal pada tanggal 31 Desember 2023 dan 2022.
                 Manajemen  berkeyakinan  bahwa tidak  terdapat     Management believes that there were no indicators
                 indikasi penurunan nilai atas goodwill tersebut di  of  impairment  existed on  the abovementioned
                 atas.                                              goodwill.
                                                             54                                                                                                                     55
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