Page 258 - Annual Report PT Fast Food Indonesia Tbk 2019
P. 258

The original financial statements included
                                                                                   herein are in Indonesian language.

                 PT FAST FOOD INDONESIA TBK                         PT FAST FOOD INDONESIA TBK
               Tanggal 31 Desember 2019 dan untuk                       As of December 31, 2019
            Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal Tersebut                 and for the Year then Ended
                 (Disajikan dalam Ribuan Rupiah,              (Expressed in Thousands of Indonesian Rupiah,
                    Kecuali Dinyatakan Lain)                            Unless Otherwise Stated)

         10.  ASET TETAP, NETO                              10.  FIXED ASSETS, NET

             Rincian  mutasi  dari  aset  tetap  adalah  sebagai        The details of the movements of fixed assets are as
             berikut:                                          follows:
                               Saldo Awal/                                     Saldo Akhir/
                               Beginning      Penambahan/  Pengurangan/    Reklasifikasi/   Ending
            31 Desember 2019      Balance     Additions         Disposals    Reclassification*)   Balance      December 31, 2019

            Biaya perolehan                                                                           Cost
            Kepemilikan langsung                                                              Direct ownership
            Tanah              62.991.971      10.614.625        -       -      73.606.596            Land
            Bangunan           40.682.197       -          -          -   40.682.197               Buildings
            Mesin dan peralatan      823.246.487      157.620.293        (4.087.167)     (1.513.292 )      975.266.321    Machineries and equipment
            Kendaraan bermotor     126.663.897      11.917.372        (7.221.456)      2.507.923    133.867.736    Motor vehicles
            Perabotan dan                                                                   Furniture, fixtures and
               peralatan kantor      135.427.750      21.519.461        (584.858)      (431.835 )      155.930.518    office equipment

            Aset sewa pembiayaan                                                      Assets under finance leases
            Kendaraan bermotor      7.569.517      14.237.400        -       (2.507.923)     19.298.994    Motor vehicles

            Total biaya perolehan   1.196.581.819      215.909.151       (11.893.481)     (1.945.127 )  1.398.652.362    Total cost

            Akumulasi penyusutan                                                        Accumulated depreciation

            Kepemilikan langsung                                                              Direct ownership
            Bangunan           25.486.060   1.582.023        -        -   27.068.083               Buildings
            Mesin dan peralatan     487.685.599      71.205.884        (4.006.591)      (759.614 )      554.125.278    Machineries and equipment
            Kendaraan bermotor     88.959.747      14.043.661       (5.187.123 )      921.011       98.737.296    Motor vehicles
            Perabotan dan                                                                  Furniture, fixtures and
               peralatan kantor     106.481.510      15.081.609        (583.222)      (219.410 )      120.760.487    office equipment

            Aset sewa pembiayaan                                                      Assets under finance leases
            Kendaraan bermotor        752.307       2.392.761        -       (921.011)     2.224.057    Motor vehicles

            Total akumulasi                                                                  Total accumulated
               penyusutan      709.365.223   104.305.938     (9.776.936)  (979.024 )  802.915.201    depreciation

            Nilai tercatat neto     487.216.596                             595.737.161     Net carrying amount

            *)  Termasuk reklasifikasi ke akun “Piutang Lain-lain” sebesar Rp1.945.127 dan Rp979.024, masing-masing untuk biaya perolehan dan akumulasi penyusutan/
             Include reclassifications to “Other Receivables” account of Rp1,945,127 and Rp979,024, for cost and accumulated depreciation, respectively.

                               Saldo Awal/                                     Saldo Akhir/
                               Beginning      Penambahan/  Pengurangan/    Reklasifikasi/   Ending
            31 Desember 2018      Balance     Additions         Disposals    Reclassification*)   Balance      December 31, 2018

            Biaya perolehan                                                                           Cost
            Kepemilikan langsung                                                              Direct ownership
            Tanah              62.991.971       -          -          -      62.991.971               Land
            Bangunan           40.682.197       -          -          -   40.682.197               Buildings
            Mesin dan peralatan      728.094.898      96.451.386        (743.907)      (555.890 )      823.246.487    Machineries and equipment
            Kendaraan bermotor     110.134.766      20.814.537        (4.771.006)        485.600    126.663.897    Motor vehicles
            Perabotan dan                                                                   Furniture, fixtures and
               peralatan kantor      118.991.346      16.648.870        (104.289)      (108.177 )      135.427.750    office equipment

            Aset sewa pembiayaan                                                      Assets under finance leases
            Kendaraan bermotor      2.606.023       5.449.094        -       (485.600)      7.569.517    Motor vehicles

            Total biaya perolehan   1.063.501.201      139.363.887        (5.619.202)      (664.067 )  1.196.581.819    Total cost

            Akumulasi penyusutan                                                        Accumulated depreciation

            Kepemilikan langsung                                                              Direct ownership
            Bangunan           23.903.632    1.582.428     -          -   25.486.060               Buildings
            Mesin dan peralatan     426.944.602      61.749.050        (581.707)      (426.346 )      487.685.599    Machineries and equipment
            Kendaraan bermotor     77.330.191      14.314.312       (2.887.089 )      202.333       88.959.747    Motor vehicles
            Perabotan dan                                                                  Furniture, fixtures and
               peralatan kantor     93.658.315      13.020.319        (101.816)      (95.308 )      106.481.510    office equipment

            Aset sewa pembiayaan                                                      Assets under finance leases
            Kendaraan bermotor        282.960       671.680        -       (202.333)     752.307    Motor vehicles

            Total akumulasi                                                                  Total accumulated
               penyusutan      622.119.700      91.337.789        (3.570.612)      (521.654 )     709.365.223    depreciation

            Nilai tercatat neto     441.381.501                             487.216.596     Net carrying amount

            *)  Termasuk reklasifikasi ke akun “Piutang Lain-lain” sebesar Rp664.067 dan Rp521.654, masing-masing untuk biaya perolehan dan akumulasi penyusutan/
             Include reclassifications to “Other Receivables” account of Rp664,067 and Rp521,654, for cost and accumulated depreciation, respectively.
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