Page 46 - KFC Annual Report 2018
P. 46

PROFIL PERUSAHAAN                                                                                                                                                                                    LAPORAN TAHUNAN
                       Company Profile                                                                                                                                                                                         ANNUAL REPORT



            1978                             1990                             1997

        Perseroan didirikan setelah Gelael Group   Pepsi-Cola International menunjuk   Kepemilikan waralaba KFC dialihkan
        memperoleh hak waralaba merek KFC   Pepsi-Cola Overseas Ltd. sebagai pemilik   kepada Tricon Restaurant International.
        untuk seluruh Indonesia dari Kentucky   waralaba KFC di Indonesia.
        Fried Chicken Corporation.                                        The ownership of KFC franchise was
                                         Pepsi-Cola International appointed Pepsi-  transferred to Tricon Restaurant
        The Company was founded after the   Cola Overseas Ltd. as the KFC franchise   International.
        Gelael Group acquired the franchise rights   owner in Indonesia.
        of KFC brand for the whole Indonesia                                  2000
        from Kentucky Fried Chicken Corporation.

                                                                          Perseroan melakukan pemecahan nilai
                                         Perseroan memperoleh pernyataan   nominal saham dari Rp. 1.000 per saham
        Pembukaan gerai KFC Indonesia pertama,   efektif dari Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal   menjadi Rp. 100 per saham. Jumlah
                                                                          saham Perseroan yang ditempatkan dan
        KFC Melawai, di Jakarta Selatan.  (Bapepam) untuk melakukan penawaran   disetor penuh menjadi 446.250.000
                                         umum kepada masyarakat sebanyak
        The opening of the first KFC Indonesia   44.625.000 saham dengan jumlah nilai   saham.
        restaurant, KFC Melawai, in South Jakarta.  nominal sebesar Rp. 4.462.500.000 pada   The Company implemented a stock split
                                         31 Maret 1993. Saham Perseroan dicatat
                                         untuk diperdagangkan di Bursa Efek   of shares nominal value of Rp. 1,000 per
            1986                         Indonesia.                       share to Rp. 100 per share. As a result,
                                                                          the number of the Company’s issued and
                                         The Company obtained the effective   fully paid shares has since increased to
                                         statement from the Capital Market   446,250,000 shares.
                                         Supervisory Agency (Bapepam) to
                                         conduct initial public offering to the   2002
        Kentucky Fried Chicken Corporation   public as much as 4,462,500 shares with
        diakuisisi oleh Pepsi-Cola International.  total nominal value of 4,462,500,000 on
                                         March 31, 1993. The Company’s shares
        Kentucky Fried Chicken Corporation was   were recorded for trading at the Indonesia
        acquired by Pepsi-Cola International.  Stock Exchange
                                                                          Tricon Restaurants International berganti
                                                                          nama menjadi Yum! Restaurants

                                                                          Tricon Restaurants International
                                                                          changed its name to Yum! Restaurants

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                                                                                                                                                                                                              PT FAST FOOD INDONESIA TBK
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