Page 3 - KFC Annual Report 2018
P. 3

                                                                                                     LAPORAN TAHUNANAHUNAN
                                                                                                        ANNUAL REPORTT
                                                                                                           AL REPOR






                                                      Di tengah dunia yang terus berubah, kami tak henti hadir menyapa masyarakat di seluruh
                                                      nusantara. Melalui penetrasi pasar strategis, kami pun berhasil mempertahankan dan
                                                      mendorong pertumbuhan yang terus menerus. Ekspansi gerai terus kami lanjutkan
                                                      disertai berbagai inovasi baru demi menghantarkan pelayanan terbaik yang mencapai
                                                      100% operational excellence.

                                                      Dari segi budaya, kami terus menanamkan semangat pelayanan dan bekerja produktif.
                                                      Kami yakin, perubahan budaya kerja adalah salah satu kunci mencapai kesuksesan.
                                                      Pertumbuhan penjualan sebesar 13% dan 60 gerai baru adalah contoh pencapaian
                                                      yang  dicatatkan  Perseroan  pada  tahun  2018,  ditopang  keunggulan  kompetitif yang
                                                      kami miliki. Dengan komitmen memberikan sajian bermutu, gerai-gerai kami setia
                                                      menemani momen istimewa semua pelanggan.

                                                      In a world that is continuously evolving, our kitchens have never ceased serving people
                                                      throughout the entire archipelago. Through our strategic market penetration, we have
                                                      successfully maintained and driven continuous growth. We also continued store
                                                      expansion and at the same time introduced new innovations to make sure we deliver
                                                      only the best services and achieved 100% operational excellence.

                                                      In terms of people culture, we have consistently promoted the spirit of service and
                                                      productivity, as we believe that a change in workplace culture is one of the keys to
                                                      success. The 13% growth in sales and the opening of 60 new stores are some examples
                                                      of the Company’s achievements in 2018, which were backed by our competitive
                                                      advantage. Committed to providing quality food, our stores will always be the place for
                                                      our customers’ special moments.

                                                                                  CONTINUE DRIVING FUTURE
                                                                                  CONTINUE DRIVING FUTURE GROWTHTH  1
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