Page 229 - KFC Annual Report 2017
P. 229

                  Corporate Governance        Corporate Social Responsibility      Financial Statement

                                                                                    The original financial statements included
                                                                                        herein are in Indonesian language.
                      PT FAST FOOD INDONESIA TBK                          PT FAST FOOD INDONESIA TBK
                     LAPORAN PERUBAHAN EKUITAS                         STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY
                  Untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal                        For the Year Ended
                            31 Desember 2017                                    December 31, 2017
                      (Disajikan dalam Ribuan Rupiah,              (Expressed in Thousands of Indonesian Rupiah,
                         Kecuali Dinyatakan Lain)                            Unless Otherwise Stated)

                                                                Saldo Laba/
                                      Modal Saham             Retained Earnings
                                       dan Disetor         Cadangan
                                        Penuh/              Umum/      Belum      Total
                                       Issued and  Agio Saham/  Appropriated  Ditentukan  Ekuitas/
                               Catatan/  Fully Paid  Additional  for General  Penggunaannya/  Total
                                Notes  Share Capital  Paid-in Capital  Reserve  Unappropriated  Equity
                                                                                                     Balance as of
             Saldo 31 Desember 2015    199.513.858  944.469  12.642.186  901.816.817  1.114.917.330  December 31, 2015
             Laba tahun berjalan              -        -          -    172.605.540  172.605.540    Profit for the year
             Penghasilan komprehensif lain    -        -          -    (24.409.111)  (24.409.111)  Other comprehensive income
             Penyisihan cadangan umum  24     -        -      525.119   (525.119)      -   Appropriation for general reserve
             Dividen kas        2q,24         -        -          -    (39.902.772)  (39.902.772)   Cash dividends
                                                                                                     Balance as of
             Saldo 31 Desember 2016    199.513.858  944.469  13.167.305  1.009.585.355  December 31, 2016
             Laba tahun berjalan              -        -          -    166.998.578  166.998.578    Profit for the year
             Penghasilan komprehensif lain    -        -          -    (46.760.289)  (46.760.289)  Other comprehensive income
             Penyisihan cadangan umum  24     -        -      863.028   (863.028)      -   Appropriation for general reserve
             Dividen kas        2q,24         -        -          -    (49.878.464)  (49.878.464)   Cash dividends
                                                                                                     Balance as of
             Saldo 31 Desember 2017    199.513.858  944.469  14.030.333  1.293.570.812  December 31, 2017

              Catatan atas laporan keuangan terlampir merupakan bagian integral  The accompanying notes to the financial statements form an integral
                            dari laporan keuangan ini.                       part of these financial statements.
                  LAPORAN TAHUAN 2017 | DRIVING FUTURE GROWTH  4                        PT FAST FOOD INDONESIA TBK  227
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